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Notebook Museum

@notebookmuseum /

because notebooks and journals can be beautiful too

This is the new book. It's actually handmade by me. I made it during lockdown (surprise surprise) and then never really used it. It has a twin that id also like to use for this purpose. I scribbled out my actual name but just imagine my name written in a cool font with a big sharpie.

This book is pretty small compared to the last one but it's proven to be nice to bring places in it's short life as a dump journal


I did a thing

I may or may not have been inspired to do this by _laknzo_ and I’m so glad I did because this was fun. Can’t wait to be more extra with it, along with having an excuse to buy more pretty/random crap I don’t need at craft stores 🙃.


Примеры моих разворотов на месяц в Leuchtturm1917 А5 в точку.

Мои первые шаги в планировании случились более 7 лет назад. Моим первым инструментом стал блокнот а6 в клетку и обычная ручка из канцелярского магазина. Через пару лет я познакомилась с системой Bullet Journal. Тогда же я перешла на блокнот в клетку формата ближе к B6. Начались расчерчивания, попытки украшательств.🤨 Кто использовал BuJo вспомнит какими прекрасными были развороты в соцсетях. Они и сейчас есть. 🌸 Именно это и сводило меня с ума. Но система работала, благодаря спискам и планам на месяц. Разворот на неделю был для меня не актуален.

В карманный блокнот мои планы уже не убирались, формат B6 был не идеален. Начались поиски 🔦 «компаньона» побольше.

Со знакомством с системой я узнала о блокнотах Moleskin и Leuchtturm1917. Последний украл моё сердце на следующие 5 лет. Конечно же это была "точка". 📗 У всех же был блокнот в точку?!😌

Формат А5 мне нравится, но для меня совершенно не мобилен, поэтому у меня под рукой всегда был блокнот а6 в клетку на 32 листа.

В итоге: текущие задачи, список покупок были в а6. Leuchtturm1917 в точку нёс в себе постоянные базовые задачи 📋, важные даты и дневники. И лежал дома.

В оформлении всегда хотелось быть минималистом, но душа требовала цвета и какой-то «игры» на странице. Тут мне пригодились наклейки. 🤗

Свой последний Leuchtturm1917 я начала в сентябре 2019 года, закончила в августе 2022. Более старых блокнотов не сохранилось: говорят, то что хочешь отпустить нужно написать ✍🏻 и сжечь. Не знаю как это работает, но мне помогло. 🙃

My week spreads for the upcoming two weeks, and the last two weeks of my second period.

I did it! I am sore from standig for about four hours, but had our event today, it was busy, enjoyed it more then I thought I would, even on a SUNDAY (really, who thought of that). I woke up at seven AM this morning, I am completely tapped and not doing anything the rest of the day, besides some journaling maybe, if I am feeling up for it. For tomorrow, hopefully I will feel a lot better so I can start the last week of working on my portfolios and continue studying for my Psychology test.

Have a great day!


Немного разворотов списков 2025 и один старый.


Weekly Dashboard

Now this is a different layout after seeing nothing about weekly logs for almost a year. Why is this different and why have I reduced an already small weekly log to something even smaller?

For starters, I am starting a Daily Log journal to take with me wherever I go. This means for what I do on a daily basis, I have a lot more room to write, so I don't need to be as exacting.

The tiny weekly log is only for items that have to be done on that particular day, full stop. This includes appointments, and other obligations... or due dates.

The to-do list are things I want to do that week but it doesn't really matter what day I do them.

The When Idle list is a list of things I probably could do instead of doom scrolling (which is a terrible habit of mine). By the way, this list isn't for 'productive' things. Instead they are for things I want to do. Like stories I want to read, games i want to play and things I want to watch.

As for the Played, Watched, Read and Listened list, this is to remind myself I do, do things. More often than not, I will consume other media than the media I had originally intended on my list, and that is fine. This is also a quicker list to look at for when I do monthly highlights.

There's also a lot of room on this page that has decoration, and the reason for that instead of making larger boxes is that I am going to paste any Sudoku puzzles I finish into these pages as well at some point.


An ode to 2024 ✨

One of my favorite ways to wrap up the year is creating a spread showcasing all the themes I did that year. Because I am ✨extra✨ I made foldout pages for the spread so I could double the space available for each month. I’m super happy with how it came out!


i think i'm permanently shadowbanned on insta. here's some ancient doodles.


“If my survival caused another to perish, then death would be sweeter and more beloved.” - Khalil Gibran:


Reposting this as its own post, heres several of my collage.junk journal sorta pages. These are still WIP because I add to them whenever I find cool stuff to add. I just make them every now and then in my regular writing/sketching journals and sometimes put them on top of old lists I don't need anymore

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