Memorial Day Les Mis Rehearsal!
Another fantastic rehearsal. Since it was Memorial Day, we had a potluck/BBQ before-hand and then sang through the whole thing…all three hours. My cry count was at five times.
I brought brownies to said potluck which went over well. Our Gavroche was particularly fond of them-in fact I think he ate about 75% percent of them. Which just makes my heart happy. I mean, I made brownies for Gavroche freaking Thenardier. (I know, not really, but close enough!) Seriously, so much happy at that. I feel like I'm living in the ultimate AU Les Mis fan fiction and it is the best
Today we had one last sit-down sing through so we could fix any last thing that needed fixing before running the whole show with blocking, set, etc. So we sat in a semi-circle and stood up when we sang, sort of like the Tenth Anniversary Cast. I loved it.
More props came in today, including our actual guns that we will use. They’re super cool-and HUGE! And we got the fake rancid meat for “Master of the House”. (Which I now get to bring on a tray of-Yaay. I also get to have a bracelet stolen by Madame Thenardier. Go figure).
Cried during “I Dreamed a Dream”, our Fantine is just a vision. Would have cried during her death, except the people building the set behind us decided to start using the staple gun right at that moment and we all cracked up. And then our “Confrontation”….sweet baby Jesus that was INTENSE! I was literally shaking by the time they were done. “Heart Full of Love” was also awesome, that trio is just the And our Marius has awesome chemistry with both girls which is a plus. “Bring Him Home” also hit me really hard since it was Memorial Day.
And then at the end of “Do You Hear the People Sing” where we all yell and cheer, I’ve decided to shout “Long live the Republic!” as homage to the brick.
Another rehearsal tomorrow, more to come!