#not a good mood – @not-the-very-button on Tumblr


I think my problem with Tumblr, and I suppose the world in general, is that so many people are so fucking extreme about EVERYTHING. 

And my therapist has commented on my ability consider all sides of a situation and make judgments based on that view as opposed to a narrower one. She posits that's why my writing reaches and interests people. I have an affinity for empathy. 

I just guess it's hard for me to understand why it's so impossible to comprehend that not everyone believes one fucking way about things. 

Most issues are not simple. They don't lend themselves to one point of view. This world is complex. It demands careful consideration and not hastily made assumptions. 

And I'm not saying I'm perfect. I make assumptions about people and situations like everybody. But I try not to. And when I do fall into that trap I try my best to dig my way out of it. And then I admit my mistakes and apologize for them if need be. 

I feel like it's such a concentrated problem on tumblr because there are a lot of band-wagoners on this site. And I'm not talking about band-wagoners in the sense of fandoms. It doesn't matter if you start to get into something because it's popular. That's not the issue. I'm talking about the people who see reports of EXTREME and biased information and spread this information without considering it fully. Often times the information isn't exactly factual. But people spread it, out of guilt or zeal or misplaced anger.

This happens in the real world too. It happens all over the place with all kinds of situations/topics/people. And it pisses me off to no end.

Because is it so fucking hard to admit your perception is not the be-all-end-all? Is it so humiliating to put yourself in someone else's shoes that our first instinct is to attack them instead? 

Can we all just calm the fuck down and admit that the universe is not out to get us? In all likely hood, the universe could give a flying fuck about human existence in general. And that doesn't change the fact that this world is cruel to certain kinds of people. That doesn't change. But if we would all -- all of us -- stop overreacting and harming each other in that overreaction, the world would probably end up being a much better place. 

So be the better person. Stop being the problem. And calm. The fuck. Down. 

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