Operation Violence is NOT The Answer But It Sure Would Make Me Feel Better is Go
Just finished A Study in Pink and The Great Game with my aunt.
I swear to god the woman cares more about Sherlock and John's sexuality than Tumblr does.
"Oh no they're not making Sherlock gay are they? Cause the real Sherlock isn't gay. And Arthur Conan Doyle would have a fit."
"Please tell me they don't sleep together."
And when John said 'it's all fine' do you want to know what her response was?
"No it's not! It's not fine!"
And I still felt some of that stomach turning fear and pain
But mostly I was just pissed.
Why the fuck does she care so much if Sherlock Holmes is fucking gay or not???? Literally, why would that matter? Why would that change anything? It WOULDN'T.
I feared this happening for the longest time. I didn't want to be around my aunt Grace because I didn't want to become disillusioned with her. She helped raise me when I was younger. She clung to me when Frank died and I never wanted to lose the image of her that had been stuck in my head since youth.
But now it's gone. It's gone and I'm kind of glad.
Eventually I said to her, when she asked for the umpteenth time if they were making Sherlock gay,
"No. He's not gay. John was just saying that if he were gay it wouldn't be a problem. You know, they don't know each other. They've just met. They're gonna be flatmates. He just wants to make sure Sherlock knows he'd be fine living with a gay man. That's it."
And then she mostly shut up. But still. A part of me just wanted to jump up onto my chair and scream at her. A part of me wanted to tell her that her behavior and her prejudices are far more disgusting that homosexuality could ever be -- especially given that it's a natural fucking thing that has been happening literally since humans first spawned all those years ago. Although, let's be real here, any mention of evolution would probably send her into a similar tizzy.
I mentioned "adaptation" earlier today in response to her wondering why the geese here no longer fly north in the Summer and I thought she was gonna explode.
Thankfully she just shut her mouth and we continued to talk. I continued to listen to the same old stories about Uncle Frank and my sisters and my father and when she took care of me when I was a baby.
She asked me about what movies and music I liked.
She was shocked when I had bands like Journey and Queen and Foreigner listed among the likes of Tilly and The Wall, Ben Folds, and The Cardigans. She doesn't know me. She hasn't known me since I was about eight and that's not my problem. It isn't my responsibility to make her like me. It certainly isn't my responsibility to have a relationship with her if I don't want to. And I see that now. I'm seeing it for the first time.
It's taken me so long to fully accept that the people I share my genetic makeup with don't have to be my family. And they aren't. They really aren't.
I don't wish that Aunt Grace and I had a better relationship.
I wish Aunt Grace was a different person.
And that's not happening anytime soon.
She's said so many off color things today.
"You're so agreeable, Tori. 'Yes, yes, yes' all the time. You sound like a Mexican."
"Wait, so season 1 of Sherlock ends like that!? Well that's what you get for having socialist television."
I wanted to punch her in the face.
I wanted to flip the lights on, dance around the room, and sing "I like girls and I'd like to marry one some day and not a boy and also work for the BBC because their socialist television produces far less unbiased news and better programs than the television in Ameriiiicaaaaaaaaa! Oh also your racial stereotyping is completely and utterly offensiveeeee."
And after singing this song I would have thrown open her front doors and let a huge gay pride parade stomp around on all of her nice, expensive things!
And after they'd sufficiently destroyed her beautiful lake house I would have screamed, "GO BACK TO HIGHLAND PARK YOU IGNORANT TWAT."
Maybe then she would have understood what her forcing her viewpoint down my throat feels like. Maybe then she should have gotten it.
But I doubt it. And that's fine. I'm realizing just how fucking fine that is. I hope she's happy with her choices. I hope, when it finally makes its way down the family grapevine that I'm queerer than a bat in the day time, she understand how much she's missing out on by not wanting to be a part of my life.
Because I would love to be close to her.
I would love to be her niece.
So fuck off you bigoted upper class piece of shit.
I'm your fabulous, gay, atheist, liberal niece.
And I won't change for you.