Another tag meme . . . \(^o^)/
I got two tags and I combined them into one post. Sorry for the wait.. you guys wait for this, right? XD
I'm a straight, single, asian, female, human, earthling, bookish, pluviophile, ELF and LEDA (>v<)
Age: Humh.. I’m adult enough to read m-rated fanfic
Hobbies: reading, watching movies, etc.
Favorite food: for now I’m craving of bakwan malang =9
Favorite artist: Usami Maki
Favorite show: those anime shows on weekends
Favorite character: Shuuhei Hisagi
Pet peeve: annoying OTP-haters ;p
(another) five facts about me:
2. I wear an anklet on my left ankle
4. I sleep with the lights off
5. infectiously fun and loving personality XD
Well, feel free if you wanna do that too, if not, that's fine! :D