the marauder era really makes me sad because the marauders were a group of friends and i bet they expected to grow old together and go to each other’s weddings and get drunk together but they all ended up dying in the middle of a fucking war and fuck you pettigrew
"hiring entry level positions"
requirements: 10 years experience in space station repair, masters degree in ancient serbian civilizations, unmatched knowledge of silkworm breeding, full understanding of teleportation mechanics and physics
Please include 4 personal references, 3 professional ones and a personal recommendation from at least one god, preferably two
requested by reichenbachfall
u know what … i changed my mind… all u scientists out there who worked ur butts off just to have your research purposefully ignored by the government… do your science thing and bring back the dinosaurs… catch them ignoring you when a velociraptor is our next president…. like ding dong what’s that? it’s science, it doesn’t care about your silly ignorant opinion… it’s back with a vengeance… and it’s hungry, bitch
Welcome to Santa’s court. Can I escort your child to Santa?
supernatural gifsets :: Party On, Garth
You’ve just been Garth-ed.
crowley, requested by @phan-band-fandoms
Supernatural Hiatus Creations | Week Ten
“Spells, symbols and sigils.”
7.17 - The Born-Again Identity: Cas saves Sam
“I’m sorry. This isn’t a problem I can make disappear, and you know that… But I may be able to shift it. It’s better this way. I’ll be fine. Now, Sam… This may hurt. And if I can’t tell you again… I’m sorry I ever did this to you.”