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don't mind if I let myself in

@nitefise-art /

nite | hobbyist artist | art tag is "my art" for those on mobile

Every time a woman makes a pink job or girl math or girl dinner or I'm just a girl joke I unfortunately have to kill a random man on the streets. And you may think this is cruel or unjust but in reality that's just the way the cookie crumbles

personally i find the recent explosion of misogyny and normalised belittlement of women incredibly disturbing no matter who's making the jokes


also I just realized i think this is the first time a Pokémon game where the fem protagonist has the same amount of skin coverage as the male counterpart? Let’s gooo I mean legends Arceus technically had the same amount of skin coverage but rei had proper pants while akari had leggings and a miniskirt


Ok I just checked and you ARE wrong, but that's because of Scarlet and Violet's fuckass school uniforms.

ah hell yeah you’re right, I completely forgot about scarvi lmao

Anonymous asked:

holy moly im in love with the disco elysium/fma concept... i crave lore (if you're willing to share any lol)

what im most curious about is like, if harry has all the sins/homunculi inside him... how did that happen to him? was he human originally like wrath, or was he created?

Hmmm I haven't thought that far ahead haha, I just thought the closest parallel to Harry's skills would be the seven sins in his head, like the way the original homunculus would have had all of those things before it split them from itself and became "Father". So I guess Harry was created and is like the original homunculus? Idk lol. But I was discussing with @themayorautumn that he would probably manifest a different personality and even appearance (subtly, while still looking like himself) depending on the situation and which sin is in charge. And of course pre-memory loss it would be lust whenever he's around Jean, to the point where other soldiers (who mostly see wrath or pride) will be like "damn du Bois is so fucking scary and arrogant" and Jean will just be like "what are you talking about he keeps hitting on me"

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