I’m not sure about the exact definition, but a “hyperfixation” is a term used by neurodiverse people (ad(h)d or autism for exemple) for when they’re really passionate about something? Like for me it’s usually some kind of media like tv shows, animation, movies, video games, music bands… on a long time span (from 6 months to a couple of years). It’s a thing I don’t see a lot of people talking about, and I found out about it only recently (when I got diagnosed with add actually). Before that, I always thought I was a bit weird for being obsessed by something to the point where I’m thinking about it everyday all day long, but it’s actually pretty common and ok! :’D
I wrote this explanation based on my personal experience, so I could be wrong on the exact definition, please let me know if I said anything incorrect!
The years that you’ll see mentioned on top of the titles are the years I got the hyperfixation in question (and not the date of release of the media).
I only put my main hyperfixations here, but there were also a few minor ones that I didn’t include like Harry Potter (around 2011), WTC and SLG (two YouTube channels that I watched a lot when I was like 14 or something, so around 2015), musicals (around 2021)…
I’ve always felt a bit embarrassed about my hyperfixations, because some of them can be a bit controversial or because I’m scared other people might find it weird or cringe to like something very passionately? But they also hold a special place in my heart as some of them helped to make me what I am today, or just made me feel very happy. 💖
I guess the reason why I’m making this post is to talk more about this thing that some brains do, so people like me who felt self-conscious and didn’t know about this can be passionate about what they love more freely, as the famous quote says: « I am cringe but I am free ».✨💫✨💫✨
(And also just for fun, I wanted to draw again all those things that inspired me a lot)