i can’t still believe it
Lea doesn’t know what to do anymore
i’m the one that ran back to the start, because that’s who i am
oh my god, I need hours of this.
FFXV to KH????…… hmpfhh ;D
do u ever see someone reALLY cute in public and you just kinda ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oddly enough, Bellwether turned herself in…
Original idea from a friend of mine, @tachi-up.
Clean version from today’s OP movie.
okay so russell t davis has done a version of a midsummer nights dream that’s currently on bbc1 and not only is it set in a radical dictatorship which is super cool, with hippolyta, oberon, puck, hermia, demetrius and a number of the main mechanicals and fairys all played by poc, but:
and omfg:
i’m so
"Epic High Heeled Choreography to Beyonce’s Partition"
There are certain aspects of Tumblr culture that I find really creepy.
Pulling receipts on people is one of them.
Even creepier, the people who go out of their way to send asks like “Just so you know, you reblogged so-and-so and they said something homophobic three years ago.”
Okay? So? I’m just here reblogging dog pictures and funny screen caps from trash tv shows. I don’t really care what so-and-so said three years ago.
You know who else said ignorant shit three years ago? Me.
You know who else said ignorant shit three years ago? You, probably.
I mean, if I reblog something from someone who is actively, currently, human garbage… like if I reblog something from someone who is on par with Donald Trump, go ahead and tell me.
Otherwise, maybe just let it go and stop pouring so much energy into policing the internet. Most of the people here are in their teens and early twenties. They are going to say ignorant shit that they regret!
If you are currently in your teens and twenties and you’re bristling at the idea that you too may be saying ignorant shit that you are going to regret, just you wait and see.
Growing up is a constant progression of looking back at your past self and thinking “Oh god, what the fuck was wrong with me?”