more porn
@niiikooooo /
more porn
I get the feeling that something somewhere is just not right…….. D::::
for my friend Cory
i suppose i will finish later today.
i’m enjoying messing with it at least.
More 8’s 8estowed upon me 8y all these amazing followers! <33333333
((I actually screen capped this a few days ago, I’m now currently in the 3,000’s and totally in shock that I’d ever generate that many followers… ever.
Thank you everyone! <3
I appreciate you all! ))
Haha, this is really bad and I'm tired and fuck the police and other excuses.
It was a request for Vriska acting like a peacock spider.
I want to do this up better once I'm more awake.
did you just now underst8nd? ::::)
I drew some Homestuck fanart
please respond
8eaut13s c4n d13
I can’t NOT draw her. She’s basically a troll gyaru, okay.
Vriska is a pot8o
and nobody understands
I guess vision eight-fold comes in handy when you're a potato.
Get it.
Because of eyes.
Ah ha h ahaha, OK, I'll stop
Here is the alternate version to this picture.
That incredibly awkward moment, when you think of a concept and drawn it turns out to look like some weird fetish thing ;U;
spider8ot… why?
How do I ever, ever surviiiiiiiive????????
Welp, here it is.
A little unfinished, though, so I may add in a few motion things or whatever.