#especially if they seem scared in the current political environment.'' – @nientedal on Tumblr

silken threads and silver strings

@nientedal /

fandom "old," genderqueer, they/them & it/its are most accurate but whatever pronouns you want are still fine for now. full of love but takes no shit.

It's really bizarre watching people I've followed for years start to go down what looks like a weird...idk, cryptotransphobic rabbit hole? I think if a post appears to be cautioning against an overarchingly reasonable concern but includes shit to the effect of "ummmm don't take this in bad faith but also it's going to be mostly the transmascs who paint the rest of us as groomers, so like, just be careful about organizing with them," that's a little bit of an odd thing to say, let alone reblog. That is fake psyop levels of community-splitting weird, and somehow I've seen this post on my dash more than once now.

Saying "please don't take this out of context or in bad faith, disclaimer disclaimer (you're not allowed to be upset with my very good words uwu), anybody can be shitty about detransitioning and I'm not saying Be Paranoid Of The Tee Em Ees, but maybe just be careful, like the same way you'd be careful of letting someone you don't know drive you home after a first date :3" doesn't change the fact that you're singling out an oppressed group as Less Oppressed and therefore (?wtf) Categorically More Of A Threat and not to be trusted if they try to fight at your side. What the fuck are you doing?

Like, I am not saying this doesn't happen. But happening on the kind of scale that would warrant a warning about, again, AN ENTIRE CATEGORY OF TRANS PEOPLE as untrustworthy? Not worth organizing with or trusting? That is fucking weird. That is a fucking weird, transphobic thing to find yourself agreeing with. There is actually no good-faith way to take "don't trust this category of people if they are trying to organize with you."

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