Hannah Arendt, Men in Dark Times, 1968
Blair Kamin, “On Architecture,” 2015
Jeff Koons in Jed Perl, "The Cult of Jeff Koons," 2014
Richard Serra, Interview with Charlie Rose, 2001
Ed Hall, "On Vandalism and Art," 2014
Rainer Maria Rilke, "For Hans Carossa" from Uncollected Poems, 1924
Nicolai Ouroussoff, "On Rem Koolhaas and Cronocaos" at the New Museum, New York City, NY, 2011 (via nytimes)
Chris Fennell, Dikenga Cosmogram, c. 2007
The Dikenga is "the Kongo cosmogram that charts the soul's timeless voyage through life. This cosmogram can appear as four points marking the never-ending cycle of life. Moving counter-clockwise, the point at three o'clock indicates birth, twelve o'clock indicates prime of life, nine o'clock indicates elder status, and six o'clock refers to the ancestral realm."