Daniel Van der Velden and Vinca Kruk of Metahaven, “On Transparency and Propaganda,” 2017
Daniel Van der Velden and Vinca Kruk of Metahaven, “On Transparency and Propaganda,” 2017
Vincas Steponaitis, “On the Watson Brake Mounds,” c. 1997
marte.marte, Schanerloch + Schaufelschlucht Bridges, Dornbirn, Austria, 2005 / 2012 (via marclins)
‘Two bridges of a trilogy of infrastructure projects (the third yet to be built) by the firm that enhance a small mountain road that winds through the hamlet of Ebnit. Each bridge is designed with extreme clarity; a pure physical expression of the structural forces needed to traverse the spans over the gorges along the route, articulated with a monolithic concrete.’
Willie Brown, “On Megaprojects,” 2013
Atif Ansar, “On Black Swan Theory and Megaprojects,” 2015
Heather Alhadeff, "On Public Art," 2014
John Soane, Proposal for a Bridge over the Thames, London, England, c. 1800
Margaret Newkirk, "Atlanta vs. Georgia," 2014