Ensamble Studio, Domo at Tippet Rise Arts Center, Fishtail, MT. 2016
The weighty boulder above the head of Sisyphus provides us with an image that materializes the concept of gravity. Building with stone is building with gravity, as Architecture has always done. So when architects discovered they could also build with light, that they could dominate it, they began to derive enjoyment from architecture, because it was then that the miracle occurred of light conquering gravity. Gravity and light, the two central themes of Architecture.
Alberto Campo Baeza, "On Sisyphus and the Pibamarni Pavilion," Verona, Italy, 2013
Charles Deaton, Sculptured House, Genesee Mountain outside Boulder, CO, 1963
Screenshot selection of "2173 AD Modernism" from Woody Allen's Sleeper (1973).