nexu101 reblogged
Don't ask what happened, Aki. Don't ask.
nexu101 reblogged
nexu101 reblogged
*Gets fucking held*
Anonymous asked:
It physically hurts me to block so many beautiful women but they are lying to me.
nexu101 reblogged
nexu101 reblogged
nexu101 reblogged
"Harr Harr, watch out evil guys! I'm the chainsaw man!"
- chainsaw man
PROOF that the chainsaw man said this
im one of the main people editing the chainsaw man wiki and i actually had to sit and think about whether he said this
nexu101 reblogged
(The Shinning, Kill Bill, Orange Clockwork and Jurassic Park)
nexu101 reblogged
nexu101 reblogged
Chainsaw Man Cinema