@nervosityperson on Tumblr

('i take it from the mouth of an animal')

@nervosityperson /

trans masc (he/it), queer, poly, kinky, leftist, 30 years of age, horror fanatic. lmk if any of the musicians I post are shitty people. 18+ only (while this blog isn't nsfw, I sometimes post about kink)

i need to find some kind of litmus test over wether or not a character is likely to be a fatphobic stereotype because some of you don't know shit

if their fatness is depicted as unsettling and unnatural like, what do you think that is. do you know what images mean

is this character a vessel for comedy, especially physical comedy, or comedy based around the character being unintelligent? is their weight part of the joke?

is this character depicted as villainous, especially if their fatness is meant to be a signifier of traits such as greed or irrationality?

is their fatness presented as unnatural, especially as disgusting, as a deformity, as some unnatural form of growth, etc?

is their fatness used as a sign of deficiency or moral corruption? is their fatness considered a signifier for the cause of societal collapse?

babygirl pay attention! you're probably dealing with a fatphobic caricature.

people have sent me characters that very easily fit into any of these categories and asked me if i'm attracted to them or relate to them. the problem is they're fundamentally not depicted as real people.


Zootopia kills me as an allegory enjoyer because I do think animals as representative of different people can work, it just didn't that time because it was copaganda. And in order to be copaganda it has to be racist

Like the implications could have been so much less weird if they just didn't make predators the oppressed class. For starters. Second mistake was making the main protagonist a cop

I think it was actually very on point. Oppressed minorities are almost always treated as inherently dangerous in real life. Black men, trans women, indigenous people, black women, Asian people are even treated as a threat even when they are individually seen as small and weak. (White people are scared of being outnumbered, I guess.)

In Zootopia, the predators are all walking on eggshells, trying to be on their best behavior around the majority herbivores. Even then, all the majority has to do is feel threatened, and the law comes down hard on the oppressed minority predator. Even though the predators have been trying their best to not threaten anyone.

Judy Hops is a perfect example of a well-intentioned white girl joining the police force. She's raised to fear those scary minority people who do all the crime. Her being a rabbit is an amplifier for blatant sexism. She's treated as weak and incompetent not only as a girl but as a girl who is supposedly the most delicate kind of girl. (Read White southern bell type).

Even the major plot is a majority (read white political woman) assistant to the first predator mayor (read black man) trying to take him out by framing all the predators as uncontrollable and dangerous regressive criminals. If a total "KKKaren" in America could create a paint ball that would make minorities have a psychological breakdown, they'd definitely pull that stunt in real life.

My only major problem is the ending. Having Nick and Judy be cops after she first hand experienced being used by the state to oppress a minority on a lie is an unforgivable sugar coating of real-life parallels. No amount of good cops are going to be able to fix the police state.


you are correct, it was in fact on point. like who tf cares about them being predators or prey, that is an inborn trait, and as long as they're following the social contract and not eating herbivores on the street it shouldn't matter. because traits you are born with don't define your worth or your behaviour as an intelligent being.

hm that reminds me of something. nah must have been the wind.

sometimes tumblr OPs have absolutely no literary analysis skills and that is okay.

The thing is that predatory animals actually hunt and kill other animals though. Like that's what they do. If you think about the implications for a second you can see how that's not great, right? Tell me you understand why "certain types of people are born naturally dangerous but can choose not to act on their impulses" isn't the anti-racist w zootopia thinks it is. They're not being like metaphorically *seen* that way, they actually literally are within the narrative. They had a whole worldbuilding thing about how predators used to be savages and ate people

Like I promise I can wrap my head around a disney movey's heavy handed metaphor for babies, I know what they were trying to do there, it was just done really really poorly if you think about it beyond what they told you for even 1 second


I don't know why this keeps happening but I keep meeting toxic heterosexual couples who experiment with polyamory and are heavily into funko pops, board games, Disney princesses and Burlesque stripping and the man is always a withdrawn bearded dude and the woman is always a passive aggressive control freak with an Etsy shop that sells lawn gnomes styled after Dr Who characters and they don't really even seem to like each other but they're always exactly the same. this has happened four times


I don't know why this keeps happening but I keep meeting toxic heterosexual couples who experiment with polyamory and are heavily into funko pops, board games, Disney princesses and Burlesque stripping and the man is always a withdrawn bearded dude and the woman is always a passive aggressive control freak with an Etsy shop that sells lawn gnomes styled after Dr Who characters and they don't really even seem to like each other but they're always exactly the same. this has happened four times


why do i end up sitting straight up in my sleep. ignore how many blankets I use.

Bestie it is impossible to ignore the amount of blankets you use at first I assumed this was a meme and those were the layers of the crust of the earth

I actually have 4 more blankets I sometimes add but I didn't want to make my blanket number look excessive

Are you okay

The results are inconclusive on that.

Bestie. the reason you end up sitting up is your lungs think you are being crushed.

OP making the bed


Walking into a room full of friends and going "Hey guys I was thinking about succumbing to nostalgia and building my politics around a mythologized idyllic past filled with heroic martyrs who die for their Wifes" and they all tackle me to the ground like I just brought a lit cigarette to an oil rig

Walking back into the room with a cast and going "Hey guys, sorry, I dunno what came over me. I dunno how I keep forgetting that the people of the past were unwashed beasts with nothing of import to offer us" and getting tackled by a somewhat separate group (there's overlap)

Anonymous asked:

did u see scishow took down the trans video?

LMAOOOOO LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO!!! have they talked about why? have they apologised for parroting regressive, conservative & transmisogynistic lies about HRT, or are they jsut sweeping it under the rug?


man ok this is good but a couple of things really bug me about the framing here.

first of all, when they dismissed the effects of Prog, they absolutely did frame it like "just some stories people made up". they absolutely could've included a line about how there should be more rigorous research before we just start denying marginalised people's experiences with their bodies but they totally, 100% presented it like, these dumb bitches making shit up.

they don't even mention the nasty joke they had about literally not even consulting any trans women during the production of the video, even though it was obviously transmisogynistic & not something you would ever brag about in a video about cis women's health? ("lol we didn't ask any cis women about this video we just made it #yolo" CAN YOU IMAGINE???)

the other thing is that i saw people literally DAYS after that video went up in Hank Green's replies on twitter calmly explaining to him that it is dangerous to block testosterone without taking estrogen and they shouldn't be recommending non-transition above the "dangers of estrogen" (which, btw, are consistent with the dangers cis women's bodies face post puberty too) like that is blatantly and obviously transphobic nonsense and they were immediately called on it. this apology frames it as if we were all just dumbasses getting angry for nothing and then months and months later some well spoken white knight put the effort in... like dog, you're the science channel!!! you should be the ones checking, double-checking and triple-checking all your data, ESPECIALLY ABOUT MEDICAL CARE.

like... i appreciate the apology. i'm glad the video was taken down. this is NOT accountability. there are obviously fundamental transmisogyny & transphobia problems in the structure of SciShow that it took them this long to take trans women's complaints seriously. it was fucking months.


genuinely so scary that you can't access the page on the ssc website that guides you through changing your sex designation. so so fucking scary. they are already making our lives harder. they are already taking what little resources we have.

update on this, if people want to reblog this to spread information to any trans person who is getting their gender marker changed with social security after the executive order:

today i went and was able to change my gender marker along with my name with social security. even though the page that guides you has been taken down you are STILL ABLE to do so. here is a link to the way back machine for the page and here is a link to the form you will need and here is another source that can help you prepare for federal crackdowns

don't be deterred by the removal of the page. there is still time, but possibly not a lot of it. if you can do this fast, do it.

it's worth noting that it's FREE to change your gender marker with social security. when you change your gender marker with social security, what you change it to does NOT have to match your other current IDs.

double check your state policies, and what you will personally need, but the overall message of this post is that there is STILL TIME despite the executive order. don't give up hope.

do it now, do it now now now. my partner works in passports and visas and was alarmed to find the gender marker link dead the day after inauguration. do what you need ASAP

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