PICTURE OF THE DAY @ www.nepalsutra.com
To view beautiful pictures of Nepal and read off the track travel stories go to the following link; http://www.nepalsutra.com/nepal_travel_talk.html#.UOuy84lesoY
@nepalsutra-blog / nepalsutra-blog.tumblr.com
PICTURE OF THE DAY @ www.nepalsutra.com
To view beautiful pictures of Nepal and read off the track travel stories go to the following link; http://www.nepalsutra.com/nepal_travel_talk.html#.UOuy84lesoY
PICTURE OF THE DAY @ www.nepalsutra.com
To view beautiful pictures of Nepal and read off the track travel stories go to the following link; http://www.nepalsutra.com/nepal_travel_talk.html#.UOuy84lesoY
Dashain is all about being back in your village and spending quality time with your extended family. Playing kite or swing, visiting your relatives to catch up with them, getting tikka from your elders, eating the delicious sukuti (smoked buffalo meat) and dring raksi, gambling the money you received by playing cards… also trying to not gain too much weight!