six stripes | seven stripes
straightrian/straightric/straightdian/straightgayman, turihet/florihet/veldihet/gaymanhet, straight turian/floric/veldian/gay man: someone who is both straight and a gay man, either fluidly or simultaneously, due to: 1) being genderfluid or multigender in a way that results in them being both a man and a woman and attracted to men, 2) a homosexual heteromantic or heteromantic homosexual man, 3) abrosexual and generally switching between straight and gay man, etc.
straightrian flags based on this straightbian flag and this other straightbian flag! there is also this flag, which has a corresponding straightbian design, so i wanted to also make these designs to match with other straightbian flags.
(i realize that i listed a Ton of alt terms lol, there are just a handful of alt gay man terms that are fairly popular)