a flag for those whose scoliosis affects their respiratory function based on this scoliosis flag! the pink stripes represent the lungs and chest wall muscles and the blue stripe represents air/breath.
my scoliosis distorts the anatomy of my chest, which reduces my lung capacity and weakens my chest muscles. i've been struggling a lot with my breathing problems recently so here's my reward lol.
flag id: a flag with 9 stripes, with the fourth, fifth, and sixth being one-third the size of the rest. in order, they are faded green, soft teal, very light yellow, light red, very light blue, light red, very light yellow, soft teal, and faded green. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.