like obviously “x did nothing wrong” is a satirical phrase but have u considered. your honor that is my emotional support war criminal please adn thankyou. no charges on account of i love him.
Hello. You reblogged my post and now I get to ask questions about your maybe-not-dnd-anymore campaign!
This is a stupid question, and my knowledge of the greater legendarium is 1 (one) read through of The Silmarillion, but do elves just not have red hair anymore? Riros’s thing is that he looks like Maedhros, but at least in The Silmarillion, there’s a bunch of elves with red hair.
Did you invent that drama yourselves to have some fun character dynamics? Or is it like, canon, that every elf with red hair died with beleriand?
ALSKDHFHFHFJFNFNFNCFHFHFNGNGNF no at least as far as i am aware there is no canon that every elf in beleriand with red hair died?????? it is drama we invented ourselves For Fun maybe with the understanding that red is at least an uncommon enough hair color to be notable, even if it’s not unheard of, and also unfortunately the hair is NOT the only resemblance. like to be clear in terms of being Notably Tall and Having A Similar Face ríros is still very much winning in the maedhros lookalike department. he’s ALSO left-handed which like, doesn’t help, though maybe fortunately he does still have both hands.
he’s also like. not at all noldorin. he’s fucking silvan. he’s one of thranduil’s elves. like there are potentially some folks hanging around who have beef with the feanorians specifically. this REALLY doesn’t help.
but yes listen the entire thought was lmao what if there was an elf who just looked unfortunately like maedhros despite being maybe the least cursed person in the general vicinity and then it just sort of spiraled from there. blame @jaz-the-bard dhdhfhfndnd
Okay, this is interesting
i mean, i have a whole tag for you then if you happen to be interested. just saying.
I know that the nitpicking over why the Fellowship didn’t just ride the eagles to fly directly to Mordor has been talked to death, there’s more than enough answers. The Doylist answer is that would stop the whole book from existing, or replace it with a wholly different book all about eagles. The Watsonian answer is that a) the eagles are a noble independent people not a taxi service, b) the quest is a stealth mission and huge massive giant eagles are not stealthy, c) Mordor has air supremacy and the eagles could only fly to Mount Doom after Sauron was defeated and the Nazguls all gone.
But just now, option d) occurred to me: do we really trust the eagles to withstand the ring? If it tempts Gandalf and Galadriel, surely it tempts Gwaihir the Windlord. Do we want to create the Dread Lord of the Skies? He would wear the Ring on his lovely sharp claw! He would fly higher and swifter than the winds of the world! He would build a magnificent nest from the broken timbers of Edoras! He would eat so many people! All elves and men would be forced underground!
exactly!! the Eagles are basically bird-shaped Maiar; a Ringlord Gwaihir would be the exact same situation as Ringlord Gandalf (or worse, since Ringlord Gwaihir is also twenty feet tall and can fly). having Gwaihir take the Ring to mordor would be like mailing it directly to sauron with a preorder bonus of a flying Umaia
TRULY this is galaxy brained of you @sesamenom get peer-reviewed
elros has a new sword and would like for you all to admire it. elrond would like him to stop swinging it around, please, you’re going to take somebody’s head off!
(bonus pencil sketch of elros:)
Look I know the whole three kin slaying thing points to the contrary but I personally need Maedhros to be the softest kindest dude ever, because there’s something about the idea of this character who’s just built like a fucking mountain crying over puppies and shit thats incredibly important to me
the-disposessed answered: Maedhros and Azaghal perhaps?
Yes! Elves and dwarves being bros!~ But height difference must have been particularly awkward at first, all things considered.
I would like to personally thank every silmarillion fanfic author who has mentioned maedhros' knee joints cracking loudly in their work. This is the representation I need. I feel so seen.
RIP Feanor you would've loved Rubik's cubes, melatonin gummies, and chemistry sets
RIP Nerdanel you would've loved jackhammers, spray paint, and self-help books
RIP Maedhros you would've loved chess, babysitting services, and holding your husband's hand in public
RIP Maglor you would've loved Spotify, electric guitars and Tumblr poetry
RIP Celegorm you would've loved Bass Pro Shops, professional dog training, and rifles
RIP Caranthir you would've loved concealer, billionaire tax cuts, and black wool coats
RIP Curufin you would've loved books on healing parental trauma, soldering tools, and cigarettes
RIP Amras you would've loved skin grafts, iced coffee, and modern camping gear
RIP Amrod you would've loved iced coffee, modern camping gear, and gorilla glue
My two last neurons, I love them dearly
I LOVE MY TERRIBLE BOY he's such a brat. today in mëohen making everyone else's life miserable:
1. when another pc tried to hide in the bushes from her parents he loudly, despite a different pc trying to stop him, said "hey niquessë, why are you hiding in the bushes?" very much on purpose
2. forced his npc rival to shop with him for hours for a a fiddle and then after wasting his time trying every single fiddle, didn't even buy one
2 (b). when finally letting the npc shop for a bow like he wanted he proceeded to sabotage the shopping so it would take even longer. (another pc tried to intervene but mëohen won that battle)(when it comes to rolls against other pc's trying to stop him from doing something annoying he's currently 2 for 2 in winning that battle)
3. noticed a sore spot that a pc was lying about and despite his needling not being particularly successful yet, he IS keeping that in his back pocket
in conclusion:
also i would like to add that we, collectively, spent possibly upwards of an hour out of our two hour session failing EVERY Single Roll ex-fucking-cept for mëohen causing problems on purpose
may I also confirm for the audience that said "npc rival" is in fact Duilin, Lord of the House of the Swallow?
It is! Except currently he's an annoying teenager <3
yes however at the time of writing this post I had no idea that duilin was actually a real named character in the silm and thought he was just a gm oc npc. I think I found out a session or two after this one
I LOVE MY TERRIBLE BOY he's such a brat. today in mëohen making everyone else's life miserable:
1. when another pc tried to hide in the bushes from her parents he loudly, despite a different pc trying to stop him, said "hey niquessë, why are you hiding in the bushes?" very much on purpose
2. forced his npc rival to shop with him for hours for a a fiddle and then after wasting his time trying every single fiddle, didn't even buy one
2 (b). when finally letting the npc shop for a bow like he wanted he proceeded to sabotage the shopping so it would take even longer. (another pc tried to intervene but mëohen won that battle)(when it comes to rolls against other pc's trying to stop him from doing something annoying he's currently 2 for 2 in winning that battle)
3. noticed a sore spot that a pc was lying about and despite his needling not being particularly successful yet, he IS keeping that in his back pocket
in conclusion:
also i would like to add that we, collectively, spent possibly upwards of an hour out of our two hour session failing EVERY Single Roll ex-fucking-cept for mëohen causing problems on purpose
may I also confirm for the audience that said "npc rival" is in fact Duilin, Lord of the House of the Swallow?
It is! Except currently he's an annoying teenager <3
sometimes thranduil adds spiders to his letters for emphasis. elrond’s used to it though
I’m really curious what people’s favorite elven words are, including proper names! Let me know in tags or comments!
And finally, part 6 of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Ainulindalë. I’m glad its getting the response it has gotten. Here’s hoping I maybe get to other stories from the Silmarillion. I’d love to do Beren and Lúthien or maybe the Akallabêth.
J.R.R. Tolkien’s Ainulindalë, part 4. Eä, the world that is.