OK, but hear me out: What if the Avengers had YouTube Channels?
Clint has a channel where he tries to recreate Pinterest and BuzzFeed DIY’s. You know that type of videos: chaos, DIY’s gone really, really wrong and a lot of (unnecessary) cursing.
“Today we’re going to try to make this sprinkle-shooting arrow. Look at how pretty this sh*t is!”
“It’s on fire! ITS ON FU*KING FIRE!”
“OK, that fu*ked up pretty bad”
(Clint Barton in a nutshell)
Caption: “Oh, did that explode? Yeah, it exploded. Sh*t, man. Laura’s gonna kill me.”
Thor had to do vlogs. Like, have you seen him? This six feet guy, all beefy and worked out, walking around New York being all like “I shall buy the midgardian drink known as coffee this splendorous morning.”
And then Jane takes him shopping and he just freaks out about the things we invent… And then movie night (am I the only one who thinks it would be hilarious to get Thor to watch a horror movie??).
He is front line in any protest or march, even if he is not entirely sure of what’s happening. A treasure everyone should protect.
Caption: That one blog, that one time.
Don’t tell me Tony and Bruce don’t have a collaboration channel where they do experiments and essentially blow things up, because you’re wrong.
Tony is the one who keeps saying there aren’t enough explosives yet (Really, Bruce. You don’t see it? If we don’t put more TNT in there, it won’t work) and Bruce is he more sensible one (Tony, there’s three kilograms of dynamite in there. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IS THAT?).
And all their videos end up with stuff either blowing up in their faces or melting through tables. But people still love them, because they are hilarious.
Caption: “Hello guys. Today we are going to do a thermonuclear… Tony, NO. LEAVE THAT ALONE.”
The kind of multi content uploader is Natasha. She has a series dedicated completely to self-defense, specially aimed to women, where Steve is a regular guest.
But she also makes beauty videos like “15 Beauty Hacks the Government Doesn’t Want you to Know” “How to Die Your Hair Red Like the Blood of Your Enemies” “Deadly Beauty: The Secret to Russian Spies’ flawless skin.” or “Three Winter Outfits You Can Totally Kill Someone With”.
Caption: “Here I am, being better than everyone, as usual”
And last, but not least, Steve Rogers. He does deep reflections every Friday and uploads motivational videos once a month. One of his videos and you are sure to feel strong enough to conquer the world.
His motivational speeches have moved armies to win battles, and they’re sure to move you to get outta the sofa. But the question remains: Did he write that down or made it up from the top of his head?
Caption: I would say something, but it would be rubbish compared to what Captain America has to say, so I’ll just won’t.