the mummy meme; both movies in general • two sad/heartbeaking scenes — [½] when anck su namun (meela) broke imhotep’s heart by abandoning him.
the mummy meme; both movies in general • favorite villain — ”i knew it would please you to watch her die.”
thebes, city of the living. crown jewel of pharaoh seti the first. home of imhotep, pharaoh’s high priest, keeper of the dead. birthplace of anck su namun, pharaoh’s mistress. no other man was allowed to touch her.
the mummy meme; both movies in general • two outfits — [½] meela/anck su namun, now and then.
nefertiri vs anck su namun in ancient egypt // present time.
I am Anck Su Namun reincarnated! // Only in body, but soon I will bring your soul back from the Underworld and our love shall once again be whole.
the mummy meme; the first movie • favorite quote in general — anck su namun getting tired of being the pharao’s lover.
right, she’s a reincarnated princess and i’m a warrior for god? and your son leads the way to ahm shere. three sides of the pyramid. this was all preordained thousands of years ago.