I'll post a clean catalog tomorrow, but in the meantime here are all the goods I'll have at AnimeNYC this weekend!! Find me at table K30 to yell about DB!!
I think I'm actually on track to get this collection of ~60 pages of short DB fancomics done in time to have them printed for cons this fall...! It's a bunch of different ships (in loose order of amount of material: kakavege, future bulma/18, vegebul, piccolo/vegeta, piccolo/goku), plus some gen comics, and it's all mostly comedy-flavor. I'll probably still sell it as R18 because I generally am not making work for kids.
I'll be at Flamecon & Anime NYC in NYC in August, and Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD in September! Excited to show more of these comics & a couple stickers soon ✨