#ian samson – @necrobob on Tumblr

Discussion on /co/ got me thinking about how Benfire technically isn’t much of a R63 or TG due to mostly just being Starfire in Ben’s clothes and attitude. I think that’s totally cool, but regardless I decided to take a stab at designing a Benfire who looks more like her own character than just Starfire’s clone. I’m not 100% locked in on this, hence why it’s just sketches so far, but I was still interested in seeing what other people thought about it.

The bottom image is a bunch of hypothetical hairstyles I came up with to try and mix different levels of Ben’s hair and Starfire’s hair, with a few of them just being random styles that are more Tamaranean in general than specifically looking like Ben or Starfire. When I asked /co/ about it, the fourth one ended up being the most popular, hence why I used it for the fullbody sketch. Not fully decided, hence why I’m getting input.

Obligatory question mark to allow replies?


Gettin’ back into the swing of random drawings. From a drawthread - Colette dressed in Kei’s outfit from Dirty Pair. And couldn’t draw only one of a pair, so bonus Ladybug too.


I'm reposting the Erasmo stuff for anyone who may have found their way here by way of Psu's Sketchie Book 2. With some additional material.

Ruff Ryder
Once…. there was this dog. who… shot lighting bolts from his eyes. and…

he had robot legs. given to him by gypsy golems.

But they wern’t dog legs. They were grasshopper legs. The dog lost his original legs in… THE WAR

The war against the terrible space frogs.

They were called that. But they actually looked like this

The reason for this remains a mystery to this day.

Most of the earth was destroyed in the war. What was left was rebuilt into scattered islands on a sea of clouds

The clouds are actually a heavier than air gas that is all that remains of most of the old Earth

The dog travels these gas seas, fightan crimes with his lightning eyes. Seeking the severed cyborg head of his lost love

His nemesis is a hideous half spacefrog/half gorilla who used to be his best friend

They met in basic training. Before… THE WAR

The war against the Terrible Space Frogs. Which, as previously stated, didn’t actually look like frogs. And were really kinda cute

Part of the dog’s brain was removed to give him is lightning eye powers, and he no longer remembers his name. Only his lost love. He seeks her in the hope she can unlock the secrets of his distant past.

When the Gypsy Gollems found him after… THE WAR. The War against the Terrible Space Frogs. They nursed his broken body and gave him the name… ERASMO Elvert

…THE WAR. The War against the Terrible Space Frogs. Lasted for one hundred years. The lightning dog soldiers, that were Earth’s best defense against the Terrible Space Frogs, where given hideously extended lives thanks to dark magics

Erasmo’s terrible nemesis  SANTO Kieck, seeks to destroy the great engines that maintain the cloud sea and keep it from dissipating. The last of the Terrible Space Frogs are bound within these engines, powering them. Santo desires to free his former masters.

 The engines are all but indestructible  The severed cybernetic head of Erasmo’s lost love,  Zulema Bulwinkle, holds the only key.

Also, Erasmo’s current worst nemesis, former best friend, Santo, used to be a lightning eye shooty dog too. So the whole half spacefrog/half gorilla thing is just super weird.

The original Erasmo drawing is courtesy of Bug

I later commissioned Psu for a picture of Erasmo

and Formaldehyde for a picture of Santo

I didn't really have any idea how a half gorilla/half terrible space frog would look, but I was very pleased with how it turned out.

Finally, I was lucky enough to get ICS to draw Zulma 

This one turned out significantly more horrifying than I could have imagined. It's pretty sweet.

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