(Photo: Saul Loeb / AFP - Getty Images)
Two days after a teen who performed at President Obama's inauguration weekend was gunned down, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is set to yank 200 cops from desk jobs and make them fight crime on the streets.
(Photo: Saul Loeb / AFP - Getty Images)
Two days after a teen who performed at President Obama's inauguration weekend was gunned down, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is set to yank 200 cops from desk jobs and make them fight crime on the streets.
(Photo: Scott Olson / Getty Images)
Chicago students headed back to school on Wednesday after the Chicago Teachers Union suspended their strike, according to the Associated Press. The union reached a tentative deal with the city, which Mayor Rahm Emanuel called "an honest compromise," according to NBC Chicago.
(Photo: Sitthixay Ditthavong / AP)
Updated at 11:10 a.m. ET: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is taking the teachers strike to court.
Emanuel made good Monday on promised legal action to try and end the first Chicago teachers strike in 25 years, instructing his lawyers for Chicago Public Schools to file an injunction to get kids and teachers back in class.
(Photo: Sitthixay Ditthavong / AP)
School will not resume on Monday and the Chicago Teachers Union will remain on strike.
"So our house just met and they would like the opportunity to exercise their democratic process and take the tentative agreement we have come to, that is still not quite finished in terms of language," said Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis. "They would like to go back to their schools, back to their members and have discussions with them. We will reconvene here on Tuesday."