Hey there y’all! Just wanted to share with y’all what I’ve been working on for the past few weeks.
It’s a world building project directly inspired by my thesis project, where fantastical creatures live side-by-side with historical warriors and historical figures.
The one on the very top are Egyptian Mamlukes riding atop an Ichnuemon (the mongoose), and a karkadann (the unicorn-rhino).
The one on the bottom is a hypothetical encounter between Robert the Bruce (not yet king of Scotland) atop a Unicorn and King Edward the First atop a “War Yale”, a large goat-thing that can swivel its horns.
The goal of this project is meant to explore the creatures of our folklore from multiple cultures to create a cohesive world history, and give a spotlight to some of the lesser known creatures of medieval bestiaries.
I hope to make this series into an actual book and story one day.