A character design exercise I did a few days ago, because after playing the campaign of Rome Total War: Europa Barbarorum mod, I realized not much takes advantage of the very diverse nature of the Roman/Hellenistic world, and the cultures that existed at the time outside of Rome itself. Plus felt like adding a dash of alternate history, by adding animals that should have been extinct by that time. :)
If I were to make it a story, it’s a story about a very average Leigionary, Modicus, his Celtic girlfriend/scout/forager/ranger, Ceallach and his family drama with his often-disappointing Centurion dad and his very jovial-yet-manipulative-for-the-good-of-the-family Uncle and their journeys, trying to solve problems of increasing weirdness in the Empire.
Along the way are their helpful companions, quirky critters.... And a huge Thracian man who serves as their main obstacle along the way, searching for something.
May color this one day.. who knows :)