So disappointed that it was People Mag that did Luke's interview after all the shit they caused for him and then later for N.
But so glad he's back!
They had to redeem themselves some how…
I’m not complaining 🥵
So disappointed that it was People Mag that did Luke's interview after all the shit they caused for him and then later for N.
But so glad he's back!
They had to redeem themselves some how…
I’m not complaining 🥵
Darling… Your fav could never 🤭
Shout out to People Mag for finally giving us some pics of Luke that we wanted 😩🙌🏻
those kids who had to cuddle stunt doubles will never be them
i feel like im intruding on a couples therapy session
"There’s something that is unique about whatever it is that is our relationship, and I think that it goes… it is beyond us (…) It’s like, if we were in the middle of a forest, would we still have this chemistry? And I think we probably would".
August 8th - Happy Gillovny Day!
I dont know what it is about this picture of Robert Irwin holding a koala but to me it does look like the koala photoshopped Robert Irwin into the picture to make itself seem cooler
On koala social media posting like “Celebrity Siting! Me and my new bff Robert Irwin snuggling it up! Bet you wish you were me 💅” #marcoolpial #accessorize #celebrityhunter
Harry Hart & Eggsy Unwin
those sneakers are slightly platform. i see you costume team. he's adorably short, let him be that way
Would we ever get the third movie?!
not everything about you! they voted for him not because they hate you, but because they care more about themselves and don’t think about you at all…
“Robert Pattinson. From the early”
gotta say I'm loving the era hugh grant is in right now. he's daniel craig's domesticated husband. he's a paddington baddie. an oompa loompa. dungeons and dragons. now he's a horror movie villain? honestly good for him
God I want to frame this shit 😩
Oooh Chile 🥵 The chemistry
We will NEVER lose
I feel like I’m watching a really horrible car crash happen in slow motion right now but I can’t look away
Love all Bourne’s movies. Was rewatching The Bourne Legacy with Jeremy Renner (he is amazing as usual) and thought what an absolutely fantastic cast… and like almost all marvel’s stars are here. And I’ve never noticed that Oscar Isaac was there too!
And, of course, the most terrifying scene on the movie is the shooting in the laboratory - with what composure he is doing it - preparing, killing, watching… horrifically
– Mark Gatiss about Molly in "Sherlock Uncovered: The Women"
For @sherlockchallenge July prompt KEY