The effect of personality on fan engagement relating to online fandoms and how communities interact with one another.
You are being invited to participate in a research study. Before you agree it is important that you understand what your participation would involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully.
I am an undergraduate student in the School of Psychology at the University of East London and am studying for a BSc Psychology degree. As part of my studies I am conducting the research you are being invited to participate in.
I am conducting research into the effect personality has on fan engagement and content creation in online fan communities.
My research has been approved by the School of Psychology Research Ethics Committee. This means that my research follows the standard of research ethics set by the British Psychological Society.
Why have you been asked to participate?
You have been invited to participate in my research as someone who fits the kind of people I am looking for to help me explore my research topic. I am looking to involve people who have been involved in online fandoms for more than three months and are over 18.
I emphasise that I am not looking for ‘experts’ on the topic I am studying. You will not be judged or personally analysed in any way and you will be treated with respect.
You are quite free to decide whether or not to participate and should not feel coerced.
What will your participation involve?
If you agree to participate you will be asked to complete two questionnaires and a short demographics form. This is expected to take no longer than 15 minutes, and as an online survey, you can complete it anywhere.
I will not be able to pay you for participating in my research but your participation would be very valuable in helping to develop knowledge and understanding of my research topic
Your taking part will be safe and confidential
Your privacy and safety will be respected at all times. You will not be indentifiable by any of the collected data, or in any of the written report. You are not obligated to answer all of the questions and you can withdraw from the survey at any time if you no longer wish to take part.
What will happen to the information that you provide?
What I will do with the material you provide will involve storing only anonymous data. No identifiable information will be collected. The people who will see the data will be myself, my academic supervisor, examiners. It may be published in academic journals, but that is the largest situation and not the one that is most important to focus on. When the study has been completed, the data will be destroyed. Nothing will be kept upon completion of the study.
What if you want to withdraw?
You are free to withdraw from the research study at any time without explanation, disadvantage or consequence. However, if you withdraw I would reserve the right to use material that you provide up until the point of my analysis of the data.
If you would like further information about my research or have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me:
If you have any questions or concerns about how the research has been conducted please contact the research supervisor António Fidalgo. School of Psychology, University of East London, Water Lane, London E15 4LZ,
Chair of the School of Psychology Research Ethics Sub-committee: Dr Tim Lomas, School of Psychology, University of East London, Water Lane, London E15 4LZ. (Email: [email protected])
Following reading this information, if you would like to take part in the survey proposed, please follow the link below. If you don’t wish to do the study, I’d appreciate it if you could signal boost this post.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.