“Are astronauts superheroes?”
natalliaromanova reblogged
natalliaromanova reblogged
Your name is James Buchanan Barnes… (x)
natalliaromanova reblogged
Obviously my mom and dad got to come on set while I was filming.
natalliaromanova reblogged
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
natalliaromanova reblogged
Dr. Christopher Beck - flight surgeon.
natalliaromanova reblogged
frank grillo for young hollywood.
natalliaromanova reblogged
*sees female character who could kick my ass* that’s my girlfriend
natalliaromanova reblogged
force ghost anakin: appears to luke
luke: who the fuck are u
anakin: ur dad but the sexy version
natalliaromanova reblogged
I got rey’s survival guide and she is so cute??
she loves flowers and drawing and writes down everything around her she is perfect
natalliaromanova reblogged
HYDRA: I turned Bucky Barnes into a powerful asset called The Winter Soldier.
Steve Rogers: You fucked up a perfectly good boyfriend, that's what you did. Look at him! He's got anxiety.
natalliaromanova reblogged
Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier, but a good man.
natalliaromanova reblogged
Do they start that young? I did.
natalliaromanova reblogged
natalliaromanova reblogged
“I owe you.”
Source: marvelheroesdaily
And I know that I can survive I’ll walk through fire to save my life
Source: winghead--shellhead