#spacex – @nando161mando on Tumblr

#Ausgov #politas #Australia 18+


#Antifa #Antifascist #AntiAuthoritarian #Ausgov #Politas #ClassWar #161 #1312 #australia

"Okay, if you're LGBTQ+ or an ally, and you buy a Tesla product, or continue to use X, from now on, you are dead to me. You don't exist. You deserve scorn. It's one thing if you bought the car before we really learned who he is, but he's shown his whole self many times over the last couple of years. You should have gotten the picture by now.

After Musk's rant that he's now moving X and SpaceX to Texas because of California's LGBTQ+ school protections, you can either choose him, or you can choose us. You're either one of the fascists, or you aren't.

There is no middle ground.

I am not playing anymore.

Don't @ me to defend him or that shitty car. I will block you."


Elon Musk on trade unions - "I do not agree with the idea of ​​trade unions. If only because I don't like anything that creates a division into lords and peasants. "I think that unions, by their very nature, try to portray companies in a negative light and create a division between lords and peasants."

Let us remind you:

Elon Musk's net worth - $250,000,000,000.

Tesla employee earnings - $5 per hour

Elon Musk o związkach zawodowych - „Nie zgadzam się z ideą związków zawodowych. Chociażby dlatego, że nie lubię niczego co tworzy podział na panów i chłopów. Myślę, że związki zawodowe z samej swej natury starają się przedstawiać firmy w negatywnym świetle i tworzyć podział na panów i chłopów.”


Majątek Elona Muska - $250,000,000,000.

Zarobki pracowników Tesli - $5 na godzinę

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