Order without justice, love or liberty cannot long
The only democracy in the Middle East strikes again
If you put across the lesser evil argument or POV to me about rightwing nazi fascist politicians in response to anything I post then you become known as a traitor with fascists... I don't care for your stupid dumb political logic which makes no sense to us people of anarchist and antifascist beliefs. I will not argue with you I will just wipe you from my social media feed!
Ο Νεοναζισμός και ο Εθνικισμός χρησιμοποιούν το Σύστημα για να ανέλθουν στην εξουσία όπως βλέπουμε στην Ευρώπη, μέσα από πολιτικά κόμματα και ομάδες. Δεν υπάρχει καμία αμφιβολία ότι χρησιμοποιώντας το καπιταλιστικό σύστημα προσπαθούν να περάσουν μέσω του "δημοκρατικού" καθεστώτος τις σάπιες ιδεολογίες τους. Όσο αυτοί απολαμβάνουν τις ευφήμερες νίκες τους, εμείς γνωρίζουμε ότι πάντα θα διωκόμαστε ως πραγματικά επικίνδυνοι για το καθεστώς. Εμείς ποτέ δε θα γίνουμε κομμάτι του συστήματος, ως Αναρχικοί, και αυτό είναι το μεγαλύτερο όπλο μας: Οι ιδέες μας. Και το βέβαιο είναι ότι δε θα πάψουμε ποτέ να υπερασπιζόμαστε όσα πιστεύουμε μακριά απο τη σάπια δημοκρατία, τα κόμματα, και τα συμφέροντα των άλλων.
Neo-Nazism and Nationalism use the System to rise to power as we see in Europe, through political parties and groups. There is no doubt that by using the capitalist system they are trying to push their rotten ideologies through the "democratic" regime. While they enjoy their glorious victories, we know that we will always be prosecuted as truly dangerous to the regime. We will never become part of the system, as Anarchists, and this is our greatest weapon: Our ideas. And what is certain is that we will never stop defending what we believe in away from rotten democracy, parties, and the interests of others.
Calls by politicians to deport protesters who displayed the flag of an organisation designated by the West as terrorists demonstrates our leaders are more concerned about symbols than genocide.
Democracy declined for 8th straight year around the globe, institute finds
Article summed up; phones bad, kids no pray to sky daddy
Tumblr sponsored ads calling it "demonic marxism" these days as if it had some spiritual spin to it biblically.... marxism is shit anyway and has no relation to antifascism or anarchism in which I politically identify as.