#media – @nando161mando on Tumblr

#Ausgov #politas #Australia 18+


#Antifa #Antifascist #AntiAuthoritarian #Ausgov #Politas #ClassWar #161 #1312 #australia

Funny the subliminal stuff I see online, a different title change like "go for a walk" that still suits whatever media I'm browsing online, but now some media names are obviously a keyboard commando threat to whoever reads it, but don't take it too seriously.


Guillaume Meurice licencié de Radio France pour faute grave et “déloyauté répétée”! La France n'est pas prête pour le fascisme, elle y est déjà...

Guillaume Meurice dismissed from Radio France for serious misconduct and “repeated disloyalty”! France is not ready for fascism, it is already there...

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