#hitler – @nando161mando on Tumblr

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#Antifa #Antifascist #AntiAuthoritarian #Ausgov #Politas #ClassWar #161 #1312 #australia

Gaurko egunez 1939an, duela 85 urte, Adolf Hitler hiltzen saiatu zen Georg Elser Munichen. Urtero egun eta leku berean egiten zen ospakizun bat baliatuz, jatetxe bateko zutabe batean lehergailuak jarri zituen, Hitlerrek hitzaldia eman ohi zuen lekutik gertu. Hitzaldia bukatu eta gutxira egin zuen eztanda ordea, eta Hitler 11 minuturengatik salbatu zen. Elser gau hartan bertan atxilotu zuten, eta 1945ean Dachauko kontzentrazio esparrura bidali.

Today in 1939, 85 years ago, Georg Elser tried to kill Adolf Hitler in Munich. Taking advantage of a celebration that took place on the same day and place every year, he planted explosives on a column of a restaurant, near where Hitler used to give speeches. However, shortly after the end of the speech, it exploded, and Hitler was saved for 11 minutes. Elser was arrested that very night, and sent to the Dachau concentration camp in 1945.


Today we travel back Berlin! 1945. 30ft underground, an angry napoleon-esque man with one testicle put a 9mm piece of lead through his brain and gave the wall his final art piece. I invite all his followers to do the same!

yes nazi germany lost the war but nazi fascism didn't cease to exist after ww2 as George Carlin points out to rightwingers on international tv giving valid points and schooling the public with how corrupt politics is.


"Millions of Americans are relieved that Trump is, hopefully, on his way to justice.

I tend to imagine that Trump sees his predicament as likely more sanguine than inauspicious.

Hitler attempted a coup, the Beer Hall Putsch, in 1923. He was convicted and imprisoned briefly, during which time he wrote Mein Kampf. The rest is hideously ugly history — history in which an increasingly desperate Trump hears the ring of rhyme. He’s anxiously listening for more."

#Trump #Hitler #HistorySometimesRhymes

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