This guy sucks, even by billionaire standards.
Burn in hell.
Chad Evo vs virgin Musk.
Every time people make fun of his fragile masculinity and power Elon throws a tantrum and does things like this 🤭😂
Is Tesla laying off everyone with a disability?
Tesla is apparently just kicking workers off the system rather than tell them they've been laid off
Guys, Elon released his stupid AI on Twitter and the first thing his idiot devotees did was ask it if trans women are really women and they are losing it over getting the correct answer back.
Now it’s recounting Elon’s lies for people too
This may be the only AI bot I’ve ever liked.
It's roasting him now.
entrepreneur driving his new electric car
Elon Musk on trade unions - "I do not agree with the idea of trade unions. If only because I don't like anything that creates a division into lords and peasants. "I think that unions, by their very nature, try to portray companies in a negative light and create a division between lords and peasants."
Let us remind you:
Elon Musk's net worth - $250,000,000,000.
Tesla employee earnings - $5 per hour
Elon Musk o związkach zawodowych - „Nie zgadzam się z ideą związków zawodowych. Chociażby dlatego, że nie lubię niczego co tworzy podział na panów i chłopów. Myślę, że związki zawodowe z samej swej natury starają się przedstawiać firmy w negatywnym świetle i tworzyć podział na panów i chłopów.”
Majątek Elona Muska - $250,000,000,000.
Zarobki pracowników Tesli - $5 na godzinę
Elon Musk Is Crafting A Narrative For The Death Of Twitter
"But this is not a normal situation, as Musk’s comments and overall behavior lately seem to indicate. It would be unwise to think he might not just take the whole thing down out of spite, and attempt to tell the world that it was the giant megacorps that did this. The only ones who will believe him are his beloved Blue Checks, but they will not even exist anymore."
Tesla workers in Sweden go on strike.
Tesla hires strikebreakers.
In response, various other workers start sabotaging Tesla. Their cars can't be unloaded from ships because dockworkers won't touch them, postal workers are apparently stalling delivery of license plates for teslas.
Naturally, Elon Musk reacts in a sane way
Haha just kidding he now wants to sue the state of Sweden