Oct 14 1982, the Canadian anarchist group Direct Action, composed of Ann Hansen, Brent Taylor, Juliet Caroline Belmas, Doug Stewart and Gerry Hannah, used 550 lbs of stolen dynamite to bomb the Litton Industries factory that was manufacturing guidance systems for 407 US Tomahawk cruise missiles
They first stole 38½ cases of dynamite from a Highways explosives store house months earlier.
They drove a stolen truck alongside the building, stuck a fluorescent warning sign on it, called the security desk to tell them a bombing was imminent and to warn factory workers and local hotel guests to avoid windows.
Dead Kennedys would later sing
"In Toronto someone blew up
A cruise missile warhead plant.
10 slightly hurt, 4 million dollars' damage.
Why not destroy private property
When it's used against you and me?
Is that violence?
Or self-defence?
You tell me "
They would later fire bomb three franchises of "Red Hot Video" which was linked to paedophilic and snuff material.
One of the members Ann Hansen Would later issue Direct Action - Memoirs of an Urban Guerrilla
(Thanks to Detritus Books for the initial post)
"Nazi punks fuck off"
Spotted in St Louis, Missouri
Dead Kennedys- Police Truck (1984)
1312, all cops are bastards!
"42 years ago
Dead Kennedys have released their most important and still very relevant single"
“Nazi Punks Fuck Off”