Starscream is so scared of this tiny thing. It’s loud and delicate and -leaking- and he’s very frightened by it’s parents!
And then, later, he’s looking at the babies in a little crib or something, and talking to them while everybody else is talking amongst themselves, trying not to interact with Starscream because he’s an ass, and he’s like “you’re all awful little things, so small. So helpless. I can’t believe our species used to be reliant entirely on raising little things like you.”
And because they’re babies and babies don’t know anything they’re just like SOMEONE IS PAYING ATTENTION TO US and coo and chirp and reach for him and he’s like “All you do is want attention, don’t you? You just need someone to pay attention to you, and protect you, and…love you…”
And then he lets them grab his hand and gum his fingers and he’s like yeah, okay.
I could want one of these.
(Wheeljack is treated, later, to Starscream basically just bursting into his lab shouting WHEELJACK YOU HAVE A NEW ASSIGNMENT: GET ME PREGNANT and Wheeljack just about lights himself on fire and chokes at the same time because what the hell)