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Hello my name is Ireanna & I make handmade spiritual themed items on etsy & I'm  a tarot reader, you can find me at  & @tarotreadingmakeupjunkie  on Instagram!  Message me if you want a reading and we'll set up a date & time Thank you & have a positive day. For more info please contact [email protected]

Every single year, without fail, we deal with the fact that the internet is obsessed with promoting the misinformation that Ostara must have been stolen from Easter.

People will argue until they’re blue in the face…But they won’t provide citations or evidence to the contrary and the reason why is simple: there isn’t any.

If you find that celebrating Ostara brings you joy: we aren’t here to rain on your parade or stop you in the slightest.

But misinformation, even misinformation that sounds cool and serves to further rhetorical goals, is still wrong and harmful.

So, after years of promising it, we’ve finally delivered: Easter isn’t stolen from Ostara.

Have questions? We’re happy to answer!

Make sure to follow our Instagram @jewitches for the ongoing discussion!



Basically is a screenshoot of what happened in the sky at the time and place of your birth.
it's like a map of all the planets.


To find your birth chart, all you have to do is to know your date of birth, place and exact time.
There are many online sites or apps to calculate the birth chart, some of these can be co-stars (app) or


The sun sign, the moon sign and the ascendant are part of it.
The sun sign is the sign we all know, and it represents your personality, your ego, your image and everything that represents you.
Your moon sign instead represents everything that is part of your emotional sphere, therefore emotions and everything that others do not see.
The ascendant represents the way in which others perceive you at first sight without knowing you, it is your mask.


The main components are 3:
The 12 zodiac signs
The 12 houses
The 10 planets (including sun and moon even if they are not planets but ok)
Each house represents a different phase of life and should be imagined as a clock.
The planets correspond to the way we think, how we react, the way we get angry or how we think.
The signs the planets and the houses intertwine with each other and intertwine they give different meanings based on how they connect.


The birth chart is made up of a circle with 2 lines inside, one vertical and one horizontal, this divides the birth chart into 4 parts.
According to the position of the planets, various meanings can be had, for example, if most of the planets are located in the upper part of the birth chart it is said that all relationships, problems, and challenges of life are aimed at the public, the opposite, on the other hand, if most of the planets are located in the lower part of the natal chart, therefore in the private sphere.

Attention must also be paid to left and right, as they too have their own meanings.

The right represents fate, destiny already written, while the left represents the freedom of choice.


There are 2 symbols called lunar nodes, one for the north and one for the south.

They are always parallel to each other.
For the southern one it represents your past and how you behaved, your past ways, while for the northern one it represents where you need to go to grow and unlock your true potential.
How to read Time with Tarot
:by the-witchyforest


  • WANDS: Days
  • SWORDS: Weeks
  • CUPS: Months
  • PENTACLES: Years
If you pick for example 5 of swords, that means 5 weeks of time. The number of the card is the number of the time. If you ask "how soon will this thing arrive?", the symbol of the card is the equivalent of time you need to wait.
Another way to read the time is based on the season.


  • WANDS: Spring
  • SWORDS: Autumn
  • CUPS: Summer
  • PENTACLES: Winter

Reading candle flames and soot!

tall/strong flame: lots of energy; barriers coming down; quick, happy results are likely. small/steady flame: less energy (still good!); positive results likely/may be delayed. stay focused on your goals! small/weak flame: flickering and bending is generally a sign something is not working; timing may be off; asking for something unfavorable; if flame falters and dies, it's a sign your spell won't be granted at this time. high/dancing flame: possible chaotic energy; successful spell, possibly with some complications/other wills may be working against you. rapidly flickering: dims and brightens; spirits are present; usually indicates success and that your message was heard. blue flame: a sign of spiritual presence; higher spiritual beings have taken an interest in your spell; power added to the spell. popping and stuttering: noisy candles indicate that outside forces are present; communication w/spirits; can mean interference or sending a message to you/increase concentration on the spell. flame suddenly goes out: spell has been extinguished by outside forces; usually means spell did not work; sit and rethink/meditate longer. candle won't light: possible wick issue or this spell won't work for your purposes; the outcome is outside your control; try again after reconsidering your intention and cleansing/smudging your space. -- black pieces in wax: (unintentional) black debris signifies unintended consequences; more spell work may be required; karmic baggage/guilt. Try some cleaning up. black soot on glass: signals negative energy/interference. black soot on top of the jar only: negative opposition has likely been overcome. black soot entire/majority of jar: spell unsuccessful; may need to cleanse and repeat work another time. white soot on glass: rare, represents spiritual communication and assistance. candle forms tunnel/crater in middle: incomplete candle burns w/lots of leftover wax isn't a good sign; will/focus too weak; ineffective energy to complete the task; spell blocked. candle explodes/container breaks/cracks: dramatic endings in candle magick are a sign your spell has been stopped by a higher power and you shouldn't be doing that spell work; reconsider intention/spell.
wax left in the container: lots of wax left on the bottom or sides of the candle container can indicate blockages to the success of your spell; might need to cleanse space and try again.

Herb and Flora Properties


  • Acacia: Exorcism, banishing, money, love, to be burned for alter offering, aiding in psychic powers, meditation, protection                                                                          
  • Acorn: Strength, money and wealth, protection
  • Adam and Eve Roots: (TOXIC) Attract love, happiness
  • Adders Tongue: Healing, divination
  • African Violet: Protection, promote spirituality
  • Agaric: (TOXIC) Encourage fertility
  • Agrimony: Protection, banish negative energy-entities, reverse spells, break hexes, promotes sleep, psychic protection, returns spells to their senders
  • Ague Root: Protection, break hexes
  • Alder: Whistles entice the Elemental earth, water magic, strength
  • Alfalfa: Abundance, prosperity, money, anti-hunger, frugality, providence, place in the kitchen
  • Alkanet: Repel negativity, attract prosperity, purification All Heal- Mental powers
  • Allspice: Money, luck, healing, prosperity when burned, courage, magickal power, love, lust
  • Almond: Prosperity, success in business ventures, money, wisdom, love, anger management
  • Aloe: Protection, luck, money, repel evil, healing, beauty, success, peace                          
  • Aloes, Wood: Love, spirituality, money, protection  Althea - protection, psychic power, attract good spirits
  • Alyssum: Protection, calm anger
  • Amaranth: Healing, protection, healing heartbreak, invisibility Amber: Healing                                      
  • Ambergris: Lust, sex Anemone - health, protection, healing
  • Angelica: Protection, exorcism, remove curses and hexes, healing, visions, wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house, increases life energy bringing warmth of Fire element, wards off negativity when sprinkled around the house                                                                       
  • Anise: Divination, psychic awareness, joy, dreams, luck, love, enthusiasm, Winter Solstice, entices the spirits to aid in spells
  • Apple: Love, healing, garden blessing, buried in the garden on Samhain as food for the departing spirits, to be shared with one you love,  immortality, happiness, luck, broken heart, spirit food, the goddess 
  • Apricot: Love
  • Arabic Gum: Purification, spirituality, protection
  • Arbutus: Exorcism, protection    
  • Arrowroot: Protection
  • Asafetida: Purification, protection, exorcism
  • Ash: Prosperity, protection, healing, love, wands, leaves for prophetic dreams, sea rituals, longevity, peace, luck, purification, study, enhances magic, besom
  • Aspen: Protection, eloquence, anti-theft
  • Aster: Love                                                                                            
  • Astragalus: Fortification, Strength
  • Avens: Exorcism, love, purification, Exorcism, purification, love
  • Avocado: Beauty, love, lust


  • Bachelors Buttons: Love
  • Balm of Gilead: (TOXIC) Love, manifestations, ease a broken heart, protection, healing, love
  • Bamboo: Protection, luck, break hexes, wishes
  • Banana: Prosperity, fertility, potency
  • Banyan: Luck, happiness
  • Barley: Healing, protection, love
  • Basil: Exorcism, love, protection, prosperity, wealth, repels negative energy, sympathy, wealth, flying, courage, business, fertility, healing relationships, ensure faithfulness on masses  
  • Bay: Psychic powers, protection, healing, purification, strength, wish magick, wisdom, good luck, fertility, banish negativity, energy, insight, divination, victory, prosperity, employment, mental power, burn for psychic powers 
  • Bayberry: Employment
  • Bean: Love, protection, exorcism, wart charming, reconciliation, potency                                                                  
  • Beech: Creativity, wishes, fertility, balance mental health
  • Beet: Love
  • Belladonna: (TOXIC) Visions, astral protection, divination
  • Benzoin: Purification, prosperity, astral projection, confidence, protection
  • Bergamot: Success, money, confidence, protection, prosperity, employment, unwanted advances
  • Be-Still: (TOXIC) Luck
  • Betony: Love, healing, burn at Litha for purification, protection; place under pillow to be rid of nightmares; sprinkle around doors to ward off despair, psychic awareness
  • Birch: Purification, protection, exorcism, cleansing, beauty, catalyst, blessing, health, besom, beginnings
  • Bistort: Fertility, psychic powers
  • Bittersweet: (TOXIC) Protection, healing, broken heart
  • Black Cohosh: Courage, love, protection, potency
  • Black Hellebore: (TOXIC) Invisibility, exorcism, astral projection
  • Black pepper: Courage, protection
  • Black Snakeroot - Love, lust, money
  • Blackberry: Healing, protection, prosperity, money, pies for Lughnassadh
  • Blackthorn: Returns evil to it's sender
  • Bladderwrack: Psychic powers, protection, money, water or sea spells, wind spells, travel,  psychic Clarity
  • Bleeding Heart: Love
  • Blessed Thistle: Protection, animal healing, abundance
  • Bloodroot: (TOXIC) Love, purification, protection
  • Bluebell: Luck, truth
  • Blueberry: Protection
  • Blue Cohosh Root: Courage, balance, protection 
  • Blue Flag: (TOXIC) Money, wealth, success in business
  • Bodhi: Wisdom, fertility, protection, meditation
  • Boneset: Protection, exorcism
  • Borage: Courage, psychic powers, carry leaves for protection
  • Bracken: Protection, healing, fertility, prophetic dreams, rune magick
  • Brazil Nut: Love
  • Briar: Add to tea for clairvoyant dreams, protection
  • Briony: (TOXIC) Mage magick, protection, money
  • Bromeliad: Protection, money
  • Broom: (TOXIC) Divination, wind spells, purification of the circle, hung indoors for protection
  • Bryony: (TOXIC) Pleasure, reveal secrets 
  • Buchu: Prophetic dreams, psychic powers
  • Buckeye: Luck, divination, money, wealth, prosperity, gambling
  • Buckthorn: Protection, exorcism, wishes, legal matters
  • Buckwheat: Protection, money
  • Burdock: Protection, healing, wards off negativity, purifies, protects (washing floors or dried root on red string around the neck), happy home, clears space & holds the space safe, spirit of north

Essential Oils Magickal Properties


  • Allspice: Attracts good luck, money, and love. Its association with spirituality and purification makes allspice a good choice for consecrating amulets, altars, and ritual space. Allspice is a powerful energy raiser, especially for magic. Use it in element magic as well as to manifest abundance (berry oil). Other magical uses include communication, courage, determination, friends/friendship, growth (leaf oil), healing, kindness, power, prosperity, purpose (leaf oil), strength, and success (berry oil).
  • Amyris: Opens the doorway between the conscious and subconscious areas of the mind, stimulating memories and increasing creativity as well as enhancing dream and past-life work. Amyris aids in releasing misconceptions and negative thoughts, paving the way for self-acceptance, growth, and transformation. This oil is instrumental in attuning to the cycles of the natural world and moon energy as well as personal rhythms. Amyris is also associated with balance, protection, purpose, and strength.
  • Angelica: It protects against and can break hexes and spells, and is useful in protecting against and banishing evil. Angelica also provides protection during dreamwork and divination. It is associated with the Otherworld (root oil), stability (root oil), and longevity. It can break up and clear away negative energy, providing psychic protection during channeling. Angelica is also helpful in dealing with problems and manifesting what you seek. In providing spiritual support, angelica aids in listening to higher self for inspiration, growth, healing, and knowledge. The seed oil is especially helpful for balance, beginnings, changes, and renewal. The root oil is helpful with grounding energy and keeping secrets. Angelica is instrumental in angel and element magic, and is ideal for consecrating an altar, ritual, and magic tools. Angelica is also associated with beauty, cycles, peace, power, purification, stimulation, strength, and success.
  • Anise: Aids in developing and increasing psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance, and offers psychic protection, particularly when dealing with the Otherworld. This protection extends to banishing evil and clearing negative energy. Anise is instrumental in stimulating the mind, heightening awareness, attracting spirits, and connecting with other realms. Anise is associated with purification and consecration as well as attracting blessings to the home. Use it to deal with emotions, loss, and love. Anise is associated with fertility, growth, sexuality, and marriage. It is instrumental when initiating change for renewal and starting over. Anise is also associated with balance, cycles, happiness, luck, money, and well-being.


  • Basil: Aids divination skills and is instrumental in developing psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance. It is also used for psychic protection. Stimulating and refreshing, basil brings clarity for decision-making as well as determining one’s purpose in life. Basil bolsters courage for defense and success. In addition, it engenders a sense of happiness, confidence, and strength. Basil promotes healthy relationships, smoothing problems between lovers, particularly where fidelity is concerned. Use it to attract love as well as to release hexes and banish negativity. Basil also aids in honoring and remembering the dead and easing sorrow. Its use in angel, defensive, and element magic is boosted by its association with dragon energy. Basil is an herb of the home, protecting it against evil entities, attracting blessings, comfort, luck, peace, and prosperity. This herb is also associated with trust, concentration, and healing. For couples, basil helps with sexual issues, manifesting desires, fertility, and increasing vitality. Other magical associations are balance, beauty, changes, friendship, growth, money, and purification.
  • Bay: Aids in prophetic dreaming, divination, and clairvoyance. It increases psychic powers and its purification properties provide protection during this work. It also clears and protects the home from negativity. Use this oil to build magical energy, consecrate sacred space, enhance defensive magic, and remove hexes. Bay supports courage and determination when seeking justice. It improves memory and augments concentration, bringing clarity and inspiring creativity as well as spiritual growth. Bay is also associated with awareness, inspiration, and intuition. It supports longevity in marriage and success when dealing with problems. Also use bay to connect with fairies.
  • Benzoin: A powerful ally for magic. It can increase the rate of success for spells as well as break hexes. Use it to attract money, comfort, and success as well as for protection. Benzoin is effective for clearing negativity—especially in the home—to make way for prosperity. Powerful purification properties make it good for ritual preparation and altar consecration. It awakens the mind for inspiration and reaching higher levels of consciousness. Use benzoin for focus as well as psychic protection during astral projection and channeling. Benzoin is also associated with the emotions, healing, and the ability to banish anything unwanted. Also use it magically for strength, vitality, and wisdom.
  • Bergamot: Use bergamot for protection, especially psychic protection when dark powers seem to cast shadows over life. Also use it to overcome or remove hexes. This oil aids in letting go of toxic emotions, restoring peace after a quarrel, and encouraging happiness. It also helps to open awareness for dreamwork. Employ bergamot in spells to aid in legal matters as well as attract luck, money, and prosperity. It is a good oil for divination and spirit communication. Bergamot helps focus energy for manifesting success and wealth. Use it for control and strength when dealing with problems. Bergamot is also associated with confidence, courage, kindness, love, and well-being.
  • Birch, White: Birch is one of the classic nine woods that were gathered for ritual fires. Use it to clear negativity before ritual and for protection during magic work. It is also useful for purification and attracting abundance. As a symbol of birth and renewal, birch helps us learn from the past when making a fresh start. Employ it for divination, love spells, and to attract fairies. Birch aids in opening the mind and expanding awareness to receive inspiration, blessings, and wisdom. It is also associated with creativity, intuition, and spirits. Use birch to aid in personal growth, healing, and general well-being. When used for focusing energy, birch brings clarity and opens the way for knowledge and finding one’s purpose in life. It is also associated with defense, determination, fertility, security, and stability.
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