Are you out of your corn-fed mind?
plot twist
Dammit man, I'm a d o c t o r.
imagine bones reading kirk’s medical records for the first time and seeing the words “tarsus iv”
Damn it man, I’m a multifaceted character, not just comic relief!
#oh god the first gif you just had to start with that scene didn’t you #he’s seconds away from certain death and his only thought is to save someone else’s life #someone he barely even knows #that is leonard mccoy in a nutshell #he is selfless in a way that goes beyond his calling as a doctor #everyone on the enterprise would give up their life in the line of duty #leonard mccoy would give up his life if it would save just one other life; even a stranger’s (tags via radiophile)
Damnit Jim Damnit man Damnit everyone Damnit.
“McCoy. Leonard McCoy.”