Two things can be true!
Mahmoud Khalid us a terrorist supporting antisemite who broke US laws, per evidence that Jews have been gathering for a year and a half, and should face legal consequences, up to and including deportation, if that's what the terms of his green cad call for, and
The Trump administration tried* to deport him without due process, in a clear attempt to set a precedent that could be used to deport any immigrant or persecute any protester.
*a judge, who just so happens to be an observant Jew, intervened and, now Khalid will get due process.
The second fact absolutely should be addressed. (And has been, by said judge.)
But if you deny the first fact, then you are contributing to the epidemic of antisemitism and terrorist support on the left.
Also, it makes me question if you actually believe that due process is a right that must be given to everyone, or if you're just mad it was denied to someone you like.
Something that leftists and liberals need to come to terms with, and come to terms with now, is that it is very likely that, after all due process is accorded and a legal ruling is passed down, Khalid will still be deported. It is very likely that this is actually the right legal result.
And the administration did that on purpose.
Because next time they make a high-profile arrest without due process, and the liberals and leftists protest, they are going to point to Khalid.
They are going to say, "Remember what happened with him? He was breaking the law for a year and a half, supporting terrorists and attacking people, and no one did anything until we did, and then the Democrats tried to stop us, so we spent a whole lot of time and money going through the red tape, and it just proved that we were right to arrest and deport him."
They'll point out that the end result was the same, and suggest that, therefore, the process through which they reached that result doesn't matter.
And if the protests against his arrest only focus on the end result, that will support their argument.
The message cannot be "their goal of deportation is wrong," because that actually supports their message that the end result is the only thing that matters.
The message has to be, "even if you reach the correct answer, how you reach it is still important."
That is the only way we protect the next person Trump tries to deport, and the one after that, and the one after that, and the one after that.
One other thing.
Leave the Jews alone.
This also goes out to left-leaning Jews who are criticizing other Jews for being happy that Khalid was arrested.
Yes, we know that Trump didn't do this because he's our friend. We know that this was done in a way that will frame us as scapegoats for the Trump administrations' actions. We know that it sets a dangerous precident.
But we also know that this man is one of the faces of a movement that has attacked and terrorized us for a year and a half while campus and government authorities largely did nothing, when they weren't part of the problem, and we are allowed to celebrate that he is finally facing consequences without turning out our pockets to prove that we "understand the bigger picture".
The Trump administration would not have such a useful figure to publicly deport if campus authorities or the government had actually done their fucking job and addressed his open and violent terrorist support at any point in the past year and a half.
The people who allowed things to get this bad can deal with the big picture.
Leave the Jews alone.
op: “leave the Jews alone.”
antisemites, never ever missing an opportunity (this one is particularly remarkable) -
apologies for how deeply vile and racist the following language is:
yes, we’re definitely the problem here. :)
Chance would’ve inspired some dope Renaissance paintings 👼🏼
ok I may have gotten a little carried away with this
no, no, this is perfect
It's quite complicated, actually, but all you need to know is that we get into the capsule and are transported back thousands of years.
I'm amused at the ones which finally took him out
What are those baby chairs made of that they survived that?!
wellm wellm wellm
look whom have retourned home after pettinge other cats.
The first thing I noticed was that the pain was gone. The tall, thin, hooded figure let me bask in that for a moment.
"Oh," I said, looking down at the frail vessel I had inhabited all my life. "Right."
"Do you remember," I asked as we walked, "everyone you come for?"
"No, but you spend some time with them after, like now."
Death halted.
"To be where the rising ape meets the falling angel?"
Takes a guy who's obsessed with saving people even if it risks his life and a guy who is literally allergic to asking for help in any situation and puts them in My stew puts them in my fucking stew and stirs it
Some of the biggest fantasy worldbuilding fails that I see, in no particular order
- Gods without religion. The Gods are real and a known historical fact, but virtually nobody is religious.
- Cultural racism/discrimination without structural racism/discrimination. Discrimination that exists only in microagressions or mean comments, without existing in any sort of structural way.
- Secret history with no clear reason for it to be secret and no clear method for maintaining that secrecy. Major parts of the world's history are kept entirely secret, even though there's not an obvious reason to do so and even when history has shown this is virtually impossible to enforce (especially in a world with any movement or communication across borders).
- Large, homogeneous countries. Even without immigration, virtually no country larger than the Vatican will be fully homogeneous in terms of culture, dialect, beliefs, traditions, etc., much less a large one with limited communication technology as is often seen in fantasy. The Planet of Hats problem.
I can't believe we have been living in this world without Sir Terry for 10 years already 💔
“Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
GNU Terry Pratchett
Mid-2000′s Phantom of the Opera Fandom Things:
- Musical Fans and Movie Fans screaming at each other constantly.
- “Leroux Purists” sitting in a shadowy corner drinking salty coffee and comparing French translation notes and being generally annoyed at literally everyone else.
- You gained fandom cred based on how many versions you had seen/listened to/watched/owned.
- The Phantom of the Opera boards were still active and it was a matter of pride that they had gotten the domain before even Andrew Lloyd Webber himself had thought to purchase it.
- The masked smiley emoticons on said Phantom Boards.
- Roommates and Girls Next Door when they were just beginning.
- The Leroux Erik Plush Project™
- Those fanfics where it was literally just “let’s dump every single version of Erik in a room and see what happens.”
- Gerard Butler’s face photoshopped onto stock romance novel cover photos.
- E/C actually being the dominant pairing (as opposed to R/C).
- E/C and R/C actually being like. A legitimate ship war.
- A certain group of E/C shippers (known as the Unravellers) getting so Into This that they proceeded to do hundreds upon hundreds of pages of film analysis trying to uncover the 2004 movie’s Hidden Plot, which PROVED!!! that Erik and Christine were absolutely together 5ever in love and also there was something about Demons?
- The Unravellers proceeded to then get so much shit and so much harassment from the rest of the fandom that it became genuinely not funny and as hilarious as the whole situation was initially, both sides took themselves Way Too Seriously and things quickly crossed the threshold into Extremely Fucked Up.
- Raoul being completely synonymous and interchangeable with the word “Fop.”
Describing Terry Pratchett’s books is difficult. Someone asked me what the book I was reading was about, and I had to tell them it was about banking and the gold standard, but like in a cool way with golems and action.
I don’t think they believed me.
welcome to the club
It is so, so difficult to explain to people that your favorite book is about transgender feminist dwarves, Nazi werewolves, and the mystery of a missing piece of really old ritual bread. And Opera saves the day.
yes, give us those sweet, sweet, terrible descriptions
A tortoise who’s really a god, finds an allegory for Jesus and they go on adventures in an ancient greece like place and then a desert
The chief of police averts a rerun of an ancient war, partially despite and partially because of being possessed by a dying dwarf’s graffiti
It’s like Les Miserables but Javert is the good guy and also there’s time travel.
Macbeth but it’s about the witches
Chapter one, the protagonist is hanged. Then he’s put in charge of the post office. Yes, in that order.
it’s like mulan if there were way more mulans in mulan and also pratchett is extra irritated that too many people missed the point of jingo
The bureaucrats of the universe get annoyed at the paperwork humanity causes so they decide to steal Christmas. Replacement Christmas is done by Death and replacement Death is done by goth Mary Poppins, who is also in charge of the investigation.
these are all nice and accurate reasons to read discworld if you haven’t yet
Romeo and Juliet football AU but the other team is wizards
An entire clan of tattooed, hairy, kleptomaniac, alcoholic Scotsmen decide a little girl is their new best friend whether she wants to be or not and she rescues her absolutely worthless brother by discovering the power of selfishness.
Someone is dying, journalism is being invented, and part of Pulp Fiction is going on in the background.
The universes burocrats want to measure everything so they pay a man to imprison time so everything will stop and they can measure things in peace. Goth mary Poppins saves the day, the fifth horseman of the apocalypse is the best Milkman in the world, and chocolate saves the day. Also someone was born twice.
Classic dynastic machinations are happening in fantasy China, to be completely overturned by a gang of elderly barbarian heroes and the world’s worst wizard and best sprinter
Death incarnate battles a shopping cart for the fate of the world.
Phantom of the Opera au, except there’s witches, a cookbook that is thinly-veiled pornography, and Christine is played by a fledgeling witch with multiple personalities who can’t stop being sensible long enough to enjoy herself
Hidden heir to the throne decides an cynical, alcoholic cop is the best role model in the world.
Atlantis provides an excuse for a xenophobia-inspired war between Britain and the Middle East but it’s fine because the armies are arrested for conspiracy to cause public nuisance.
the jfk assassination is parodied in the above.
Rain is brought to australia by a lousy wizzard who runs from dropbears, steals a sheep, and invents vegamite
(sigh)(smile) All of the above.
You can defeat Vampire Fascism with the powers of violence, your debilitating anxiety disorder, and a nice cup of tea
the pied piper is a racket being run by some talking mice and a cat but they accidentally invent socialism. then of course there are also the rat horrors
there’s a camel
a wizard who knows only one spell is menaced by some luggage. there’s a tourist.
And while the aforementioned terrible wizard is having an awful time in Fantasy Australia, his colleagues try to find him and accidentally invent sex and the platypus along the way.
Have you ever wondered about the poor people whose sole role in the narrative is to rush into the room when summoned and be slaughtered by the hero? THIS is their story. Also, it’s a million to one chance that they hit the voonerables.
Fairy Godmothers fight fairytale endings with the power of Logic. There is also a very sexy cat.
Fantasy Hollywood is secretly an Eldritch Horror
Death has an existential crisis so his granddaughter has to take over for a bit, meanwhile the music that played the universe into being saves the life of an aspiring bard but only so it can kill him later in an even more spectacular fashion
I wish I had words to go with this.
I…don’t think that’s possible right now…
masquerade 🎭💀
Portrait of a beloved loaf. Ca. 1865 - 1880. Source.
and are death and the maiden perhaps looking for a third