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Jenny's still in hell

@murderthegods /

She/her, 23, l dunno what l'm doin, I don't tag for content warnings so this is as much warning as you're likely to get ig (blog header image by Alex Norris)

Louise Glück, “Unpainted Door” Poems 1962-2012 / Ingmar Bergman, Bergman On Bergman interviews with Stig Bjorkman, Torsten Manns and Jonas Sima / Moonlight 2016 dir. Barry Jenkins / Fiona Apple, Second Bite interview by Craig McLean, The Guardian / Eighth Grade 2018 dir. Bo Burnham / Norman Rockwell, Little Girl Looking Downstairs at Christmas Party / Anne Carson, “The Anthropology of Water” in Plainwater


trans women really get axed over the most spurious of allegations. like it doesn't even have to be remotely true. people just hate trans women.

if you're transfem and there's so much as a rumor you might be a bad person you suddenly become fucking radioactive to everyone, it's so wildly unfair.

some of you are fucking spineless. i think it's fucking spineless to immediately drop support of transfems in your community knowing the marginal space they have in society at the moment, knowing there's fascist fearmongering against them coming from everywhere, knowing almost every transfem faces some amount of harassment either online or on the streets.


Effective liberatory activism cannot stop at explaining to people that oppression exists and that we’re all trained to perpetuate it. It cannot be only lists of words or behaviours to avoid. Effective liberatory work has to involve highlighting the agency of members of each oppressor class and the benefits they gain by choosing to be complicit; it has to hold members of each oppressor class responsible for these choices and offer practical alternative choices to join in the liberatory work. But most of all, effective liberatory activism needs to build pressure. Oppression is hugely beneficial for the oppressor class and complicity is heavily rewarded. A huge part of the work of liberation lies not in convincing people via argument to give up complicity and its attending rewards, but to make complicity more and more costly in a variety of ways until the choice to be complicit is eroded completely.

Every effective liberatory movement I’ve ever heard of relied not just on convincing the oppressors to stop, but on making it more and more difficult for them to continue. Systems built and rebuilt to maintain supremacy won’t shift and buckle under guilt alone – we need to create material and immediate consequences to anyone working to shore them up.


How did "gender is a social construct, i.e. subjective and not based in some intrinsic tangible reality, put bluntly gender isn't strictly Real" turn into "therefore the patriarchy doesn't exist". Like well it does. People categorized as Women very demonstrably suffer material consequences for this. Our idealized post-gender future utopia isn't real, either, that's purely theoretical at this point. Ignoring (trans)misogyny within our communities and framing feminists as "reinforcing gender" for pointing it out is uh the opposite of the point, actually. The patriarchy IS the oppressive power structure of Gender we're trying to get rid of. That's the idea, yes? What did you think this was about


The US having an entire city in the middle of the desert dedicated entirely to gambling sounds like a thing other countries would make up about the US as a joke but its real and no one bats an eye at it

They also do divorce

You know I held myself back from going off on an infodump about the history of divorce in Las Vegas for the sake of this joke but the amount of people reblogging this version from me and not getting my history based joke about how divorce was important in shaping the economy is Las Vegas is driving me a little bit crazy

The people want an explanation so an explanation I shall give.

Basically Nevada used to be like. Nowhere. Even more nowhere than it is now. They broke several rules when they made it a state actually because the population wasn’t big enough to justify it but they wanted Lincoln to get more electoral college votes or something. I dunno.

Point is, there’s not much in Nevada. Sure, there’s silver mines. There’s local tribes who are pretty cool. There’s wildlife. There’s some neat mountains. Not much water though and water is needed for most industries and large scale civilization.

This vast emptiness ended up making Nevada what it is today though mostly because of crime. It’s hard for the feds to stop your crime when you’re surrounded by a whole lot of nothing. Is the state and federal government gonna trek through the Nevada desert to scold you? I don’t think so.

Local governments today in Nevada can often trace themselves directly back to criminal organizations and corrupt groups of politicians, including the city of Las Vegas and the very large unincorporated community of Paradise which is actually where the Las Vegas strip is. Why is Paradise, Nevada still an unincorporated community despite having over 180,000 residents? Because if there’s no city government that’s one less government entity your casino has to pay taxes to. Duh.

And these crime people and casino owners and easily bribable politicians despite their many problems did figure something out. Tourists like doing things that are illegal in other places. Californian tourists in particular. And one of the illegal things that all Americans really but especially Californians wanted to do was get divorced.

Around 1930 Nevada became one of the first states to make no-fault divorce legal. Not only that but the required waiting period became six weeks. Not only that but only one spouse had to live in Nevada for those six weeks. To this day, the waiting period for divorce in California is still six months. This was huge.

This becomes a whole industry. Not only is gambling legal in Nevada but now divorce is too. When a couple decide mutually that they want a divorce but there’s no legal reason for it where they live, one of them, usually the woman, goes to live in a resort in Las Vegas or Reno for six weeks (often called a divorce ranch) and then they can get divorced.

And while one or both spouses are there, they can gamble, get pampered, see entertainment, meet other people. Then they go home after their divorce and tell their friends all about it. Now all their friends know that there’s gambling and entertainment in Vegas. And now they know about the divorce ranches. More money in the Nevadan economy.

Las Vegas is a bright shining tax evasion island in the middle of the desert built on entertainment, gambling, crime, and divorce. God bless Nevada and god bless no-fault divorce.


but there's something undeniably erotic about being driven down a back road in the dead of night. the thing is all people do think this



So today I tripped. Fell flat on my face, it was awful but ultimately harmless. My service dog, however, is trained to go get an adult if I have a seizure, and he assumed this was a seizure (were training him to do more to care for me, but we didn’t learn I had epilepsy until a year after we got him)

I went after him after I had dusten off my jeans and my ego, and I found him trying to get the attention of a very annoyed woman. She was swatting him away and telling him to go away. So I feel like I need to make this heads up

If a service dog without a person approaches you, it means the person is down and in need of help

Don’t get scared, don’t get annoyed, follow the dog! If it had been an emergency situation, I could have vomited and choked, I could have hit my head, I could have had so many things happen to me. We’re going to update his training so if the first person doesn’t cooperate, he moves on, but seriously guys. If what’s-his-face could understand that lassie wanted him to go to the well, you can figure out that a dog in a vest proclaiming it a service dog wants you to follow him


"every possible kind of content can be found on the internet" yeah sure except for the One fucking thing I'm looking for. why does no one want to talk about the One Singular thing I'm looking for. but yeah other than that everything is on here.


I know millennials are getting the traditional generational luddite reputation at this point for sneering at smart devices and banging on about privacy and not needing all those fancy functions etc. but I am speaking to you right now as an experienced activist: you have to start seeing your smartphone as your big red glowing weak point. it is a repository of all the information someone could conceivably use to ruin your life, and you carry it around with you all day every day guarded by maybe a 6 digit PIN (or a photo of your face, seriously turn off face unlock right fucking now).

a couple of people I know don't use smartphones at all, because their devices were compromised years back and they spent about a decade being tracked and spied on by the police without any idea. they learned the hard way and we should all pay attention.


most of this site would support the war on drugs if it was pushed this year

most of this site thinks the amphetamine shortage is because of miscreant recreational users and fentanyl deaths are proof opioids should be less accessible so idek that it's a hypothetical lol they just support the war on drugs period. remember when it was a big trend a few years back to call people crackheads in every internet argument


ENDURANCE - The wind picks up. Fine sea foam lashes your face. It feels like needles. You can take it -- just raise your collar, detective.


not really related to the post, but when i scrolled by i read eurodance instead of endurance

EURODANCE - Life. It never die. Women are my favorite guy.

ELECTROCHEMISTRY - Sex, I'm wanting more.

EMPATHY - Tell the world, *stop the war*.

PERCEPTION (HEARING) - *Boom*, hear the bass go *zoom*.

PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT - Have a body, feel the groove.

LOGIC - Cyber system overload.

AUTHORITY - Everybody: movement!

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