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Press photo for Radishes And Carrots (大根と人参), 1965, directed by Minoru Shibuya (渋谷実) and starring Mariko Kaga (加賀まりこ) and Ryu Chishu (笠智衆). The film was co-written by Yasujiro Ozu (小津 安二郎).
Hardboiled Ozu: DRAGNET GIRL (1933)
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Yasujiro Ozu, Late Autumn, 1960.
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In Ozu’s Late Spring (1949), Hattori invites Noriko to a concert by the violinist Mari Iwamoto (1926–1979). Noriko turns down the invitation, and Hattori attends the concert alone. The violinist is heard but not seen.
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[oh there nothing you can't do?...]