yeah man we can tell
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Buster Keaton surrounded by girls in The Cameraman, 1928
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Incredible footage of a Octopus imitating a moray eel | source
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This 16th-century artwork is of a 'haut', which are said to live in the trees. It has been identified with species of three-toed sloths such as Bradypus variegatus which are found in the forests of Central and South America. This artwork comes from 'Cosmographie universelle' (1575) by the French explorer and writer Andre Thevet (1516-1590). The book describes the history and geography of the lands in which Thevet had travelled. The two volumes contain over 1000 pages divided into 23 books. This woodcut is from chapter XIII of book XXI.
Daniel Horne's painting of Peter Cushing as Arthur Grimsdyke in Tales from the Crypt (1972)