Robin Hood in the Story Book
100 DAYS OF ROBIN HOOD: 18/100
@msredmaynes /
Robin Hood in the Story Book
100 DAYS OF ROBIN HOOD: 18/100
Killian predicting that “Marian” could have a child that turns into a mass murderer.
If you take this literally though, that Zelena baby is gonna be a big problem, and not just inconvenient for Outlaw Queen.
one question haunts and hurts, too much, too much to mention: was I r e a l l y seeking good or just seeking a t t e n t i o n ?
favorite ouat dynamics ⇒ marian and robin
Parallels - 3x22 // 4x20
You left Regina because you’re a man with a code, a man of honor. And that, despite everything, is the reason why you will save me.
Marian in Sherwood Forest
Robin doesn't seem like the type of person to choose Regina and then turn around and choose Marion. He knows something is up.
You followed Emma through the time portal? That I did.. when I saw that they planned on bringing Robin’s wife back, I mean, inspiration struck. And then I struck. For a few careless moments they left her unattended and that was all I needed. I killed her… and then I became her. I took her form. D’you know it wasn’t easy, not being me. But knowing that it would ruin Regina’s happiness, I mean, that made it worth every dull moment in her body. Marian never made the trip to Storybrooke. No.. no, dear. It was me all along.
Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think.
make me choose: storybrookeregal asked: Going Home or Heroes and Villains
"Whatever you're after it will never work. The game is rigged. The villains never win. Why don't you join us. Perhaps we can change the game together.”