“BO! The sun woke up!”
Boromir grinned sleepily. “Morning, Fare.”
“BO! The sun woke up!”
Boromir grinned sleepily. “Morning, Fare.”
I love this. I *love* this.
Not only does the child have the rhythm and their part down precisely, but also, they are clearly doing the very-small-child thing of reserving exactly nothing.
Children have to learn not to use all of the force they're capable of, adults mostly never use all of the force they are capable of, but here someone has given this child exactly the opportunity to use all of the force their body can produce, and do it musically.
The glee of that all-out effort in a context where clearly the people around them approve and appreciate their contribution? Amazing.
I think having a baby niece is great cause my brother will send me just a constant stream of messages that sound indistinguishable from how someone at Jurassic park would text if they were being hunted by the raptor
And after endless engineering calculations the result is achieved.
(via @naamahdarling )
You don’t want to commit to the sit until you can commit to the sit