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buried by time and dust

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violet - lv 34 spellcaster - any pronouns

I've been making these fractals using modular arithmetic in excel 2010. Here's a Sierpiński triangle whose formula is D4=MOD(C3+A4+D1,$A$1) with modulus A1=2.

Here's the same spreadsheet with the resolution doubled and the modulus turned to 4:

This image consists of half a million cells, 1 per pixel, filled with the fill tool (ctrl+r, ctrl+d). Each cell costs two additions and a division. The sheet refreshes in about 1500 ms with max ram. I call this one "blanket".

More to follow


I love being gatekeepy about pets bc if someone asks me what it's like to keep like. Mastacembelid eels I will be like don't. not bc they're particularly difficult but they require live food. you can get lucky and they will eventually accept frozen thawed shellfish, but for most of the time you need to be fine with setting up a couple cement mixing tubs that will become your worm bins. for your worms. your hundreds of worms. thousands of worms, ideally. and you need more than one because you don't want to keep exhausting your worms every two months and buying one thousand worms multiple times a year, you're wasting your money. you need one bin that you're actively harvesting from and another bin that you allow the population to grow, and the more eels you're feeding, the more bins you need. I need to set up two more bins and order about 1500 worms this weekend. you also need to care for the worms. you gotta feed them, you gotta keep em moist. not hard, but it's more work, it's extra steps. I love my eels. I don't think other people should just have them willy nilly.

there are thousands of worms in my home at any given time, would you also like to have thousands of worms in your home at any given time?


"im a communist! acab! eat the rich! but also i will call the fucking police on you if you play your music too loud. im neurodivergent btw"

some cop lover sent me anon hate for this post lol

I'm glad we've agreed not to involve the police. If your noise triggers me in my home, I'm going to do property damage about it. Noise sensitivity is a real medical issue and ableism isn't cute.


Big project due tomorrow.

Normal people: time for another cup of coffee

Me: time to snort the powdered bark of this medicinal tree from Nepal


*You know nothing about them except an acquaintance tells you they're a woman in your preferred age range who washes less than average, she is messy/lazy, she performs badly in her job or is very unemployed, she is somewhat rude (but not in a scary/meanspirited way), she is "below average" in looks. To nip this in the bud, she is however not "desperate" and won't let anyone take advantage of her because they assume low self-esteem.


Aw shit, my alienation. I heard a song at the gocey store and I hated it! So much so that I had to google it. Had an extra infectious earworm, annoying repetition and the vocals were overperformed. Well damn, it was that man the tumblrites are always going on about.


Girl what… I just saw a stopped clock… and it was right! What are the odds? 2/1440

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