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@mrbarnes /

Danielle | 22 | Melbourne
I'm way past asking permission.

No Way Home was the closest Marvel Studios has come to giving us Peter Parker. Not a knock-off Miles who relies on a billionaire, but Peter Parker. Peter, the kid who is “the most famous person in the world but still broke”. The kid who fights for the common man, who will never stop seeing the good in people. With his new tech-free suit from the end of film it seems that Peter is restarting his journey as Spiderman. No special nanotech. No crazy AI. Just a broke kid with a sewing machine and relentless optimism. I really hope to see an accurate Peter Parker in future films. Because I love that Peter.


man has no need for the 9 - 5 workday. you know what man DOES need? chickens, a food garden, ample time for hobbies/creative endeavors, a picnic basket, various jams also.

And 2 hats for weathers

did a hobbit write this?


It’s kind of telling that Warner Bros is sticking by Justice League (2017) as the canonical version of the film and not Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021).

This is the same movie where:

WB’s continual gaslighting of both Ray Fisher (which still continues at the time of writing) and of the fans by painting them solely as toxic, whilst ignoring the $500,000 raised for AFSP and the toxic environment they helped to create on the set of Justice League (2017); cannot be understated. The attitude taken by the studio, to protect and enable abusers is completely and utterly abhorrent and should not be tolerated.

Even after Zack was granted the rights to release his version of Justice League, WB simply wanted to release the movie in it’s unfinished format and told Zack that he could not use the original ending scene of Bruce Wayne meeting John Stewart (a scene Snyder filmed part of in 2016 and the rest in October 2020). Because of this, Snyder almost walked from the movie as he didn’t “want to take a person of colour out of this movie.”

At the end of the day, Zack Snyder’s Justice League isn’t just a victory for the fans who campaigned long and hard over the last three years but, in the words of Ray Fisher, it’s “ a righting of so many wrongs,”.


Accountability > Entertainment!


I spent ten years building up a following on Tumblr. I had 30k+ followers, great engagement, it helped my career thrive like nothing else. I could quit my day job and live off the fan base I’d accrued.

Then, their policies changed. Half my work was no longer allowed. People left the site in droves. I left too, for awhile. I came back to a ghost town. I still have 25k followers, but I don’t think more than 10% are active anymore. I’m followed by ghosts. Same with DeviantArt, although I was never quite as big there, and I’ve been gone so much longer.

This disallowed half of my work was never allowed on Facebook in the first place, or Instagram, but their algorithms are such that my stuff rarely makes it to anyone’s feeds, and if I post a link to where people could actually pay me for my content, it’s hidden unless I pay for it. Patreon swept my work away to a dark corner where no one could see it unless I personally guided them there. Twitch is so strict you can’t even show bare feet. The death of Google Reader means nobody follows RSS feeds anymore, so I can’t direct people to my own site.

So there’s Twitter I guess, where I can post whatever I want, but again, algorithms. But more than that, I don’t have the energy to build up a following once again on a site I don’t own that can delete my career on a whim. The thought of spending time jumping around through hoops for attention just to have it taken away again has stripped any motivation I had to try.

The internet has been gentrified. All the small cute houses and mom & pop shops have been shut down and replaced by big corporations that control everything. I’ve been making webcomics for twenty years, and at the start, the internet was a beautiful wild place. Everyone had a home page. It was like having a house and people came to visit you and you would visit other people in their houses. Now, we don’t visit each other in personal spaces anymore. It’s like we have to visit each other in the aisles of a megamart. Everything is clean and sanitized and the weirdos who made the internet what it was are no longer welcome. No space for freaks anymore.

People still ask me for advice on how to break into comics, and I don’t have any wisdom because I don’t recognize the internet anymore. I don’t feel comfortable working within its boundaries which seems to be getting smaller and smaller and smaller. None of the tools I used when I started exist anymore. They’ve been replaced by things I don’t know how to use. I don’t think I could break into comics today. 2002 had so few barriers compared to now. You might have started on Keenspace, but you could reach a point where you could break away to your own site and people would go to it. Now, you start on Webtoon or Patreon and I guess you just stay there? It feels so much like owning a hardware store for years and then having to go work as a cashier at the Home Depot that put you out of business. I’m looking at my career trajectory and it all points to being a Wal-Mart greeter with uncontrolled arthritis.

I don’t want to make “content,” I want to make comics, I want to make art, and I want to do it in a space that is mine. I’m not sure there’s a place for that anymore.


A year of living with our faces covered and masked has taught us that society can still function even when we can't see each other's faces, and that it doesn't erase our identity, it doesn't significantly threaten security.

We're still people, humans, our eyes meet, we connect with our voices, despite the distance we maintain from each other.

With this realization now clear, it's surprising that the fixation on burqa and niqab bans still isn't going away. Switzerland recently had a vote on the matter, and now Sri Lanka seems to be headed down the same path of prejudice. It seems to be a strange kind of political fixation, an obsession. It's also now clear that these bans are inspired by nothing more than prejudice.

Sending my love and regards to all the niqabi sisters out there. You don't deserve to be subjected to these prejudices just because of your choice of clothing. Stay strong.


police literally dragged disabled protestors out of the capitol when they were doing a sit-in for healthcare and teargassed + shot blm protestors marching for human rights but try to deescalate and take selfies w armed insurrectionists and people still want to act like the police don’t exist specifically to enforce oppressive systems


I periodically feel so fucking sad for women in history. I feel like birth control in countries where it is widely used has made women forget an aspect of male cruelty and sociopathy that is now less apparent (giving the illusion that men have improved when only women’s defences against men have)—the fact that for most of history men could live with a woman for decades and not care that they were slowly killing her with endless back-to-back pregnancies which not only resulted in early death more often than not, but also in a total smothering of the woman’s spirit and talents. I saw a quote by Anne Boyer the other day that called straight relationships for women “not only deadly, but deadening”—as I was reading Jill Lepore’s Book of Ages, a biography of Benjamin Franklin’s sister Jane, who was bright and loved reading and wrote some poetry, but had little time to make anything of her life in between her 12 pregnancies. Benjamin Franklin’s mother had 10 sons and 7 daughters. What could they possibly accomplish when their husbands kept impregnating them year after year after year throughout their entire adult life? 

Charlotte Brontë eschewed marriage longer than most (writing to Ellen Nussey that she wished they could just set up a little cottage and live together) but she finally married at 38, became pregnant, and died before her 39th birthday. If she had married younger would Jane Eyre exist? I was reading that biography of Charity & Sylvia last month and comparing their life together in their little cottage to the life of their married female relatives, which was honestly hell on earth. One of Charity’s sisters had 18 children. Charity’s mother had 10 living ones, and probably some additional stillbirths. She gave birth to her first child age 19, in 1758, then to a pair of twins in 1760, then another child in 1761, another in 1763, another in 1765, another in 1767, another in 1769, another in 1771, another in 1774, another in 1777. Charity was the last child and her mother had been sick with tuberculosis for months when she became pregnant with her, and she died soon after giving birth.

I wish people would call this murder—this woman was murdered by her husband, like countless other women who do not ‘count’ as victims of male violence because straight sex is natural, pregnancy is natural, childbirth is natural. But when after 20 years of nonstop pregnancies this woman had tuberculosis and suffered from severe respiratory distress, severe weight loss, fever and exhaustion, and her husband impregnated her again, her death was expected. He must have known; he just didn’t care. This woman’s sister—Charity’s aunt—remained a spinster and outlived all of her married sisters by several decades, living well into her eighties. (Ironically, male doctors in her century asserted that sex with men was necessary for women’s health. The biographer quoted from a popular home health guide which said that old maids incurred grievous physical harm from a lack of sex with men.) And this aunt had the time and liberty to develop her skill for embroidery to such an extent that two museums still preserve her embroidered bed drapes. She accomplished something, she nurtured her talent and self. Her name was also Charity, and I find it interesting that Charity’s mother named her last daughter, whose pregnancy & birth killed her, after her childless, unmarried sister.

When I see women reblog my post about Sophia Tolstoy’s misery with her 13 children, adding comments like “thank god marriage is no longer synonymous with this”, I wonder if they realise that men have not magically become any kinder or more concerned about their female partner’s health and fulfillment, it’s just that women now have access to better ways of protecting themselves from their male partner’s indifference to their health and fulfillment.


there is going to be an arguably even more important election than the presidency happening on january 5th in georgia. the two senate seats in their state did not reach enough of a majority in this election to decide a winner, so theyre doing a “run-off election”. 

if these two seats are won by democrats they will flip the senate to a MAJORITY for democrats. we will have the presidency, the house AND the senate if the democratic candidates in georgia win. the policies biden promised could have a better chance at being passed!

if you live in georgia PLEASE vote for the democratic senate candidates on january 5th

if you do not, i recommend donating to the candidates election fund! :) 


IN PHOTOS: Celebrations spread after Joe Biden is projected to win 2020 presidential election

Within seconds of the race being called, a crowd outside the White House broke out in cheers. Celebrations also erupted in New York, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Chicago, among other cities.

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