#the bad batch finale – @moonstrider9904 on Tumblr

in my steb era

@moonstrider9904 /

Moon | 20s woman | 18+ only | Writer, artist, giffer, video editor for Arcane and Star Wars | I'm focusing on Arcane at the moment

Crosshair doubted himself when it came to firing the shot at Omega and Hemlock's cuffs. He was not willing to risk hurting Omega with a blast from his own weapon.

Crosshair, who at the start of the TBB arc in Clone Wars season 7 would have reveled in the complexity of his shooting skills, who could shoot a flea off Wrecker's back in the rain without hurting him, who was engineered to be the perfect sniper, was not willing to risk his blast being off and hurting someone he loves. Crosshair reached a point where, when it comes to his little sister, he wouldn't be cocky or arrogant. And besides, his shooting hand was gone. The hand that had caused him so many tremors but with which he'd also landed every shot he could be proud of...

And it was Hunter who encouraged him. Hunter, whose relationship with Crosshair faltered and strained and recovered, placed his full trust on Crosshair even when it came to Omega. Hunter, perhaps the only one who could rival Crosshair's concern for the kid, had no shadow of a doubt that his brother could make the shot without hurting her.

And so, Crosshair shot the binders perfectly, freeing Omega and allowing the three of them to destroy any threat to the clones, physically and metaphorically. Crosshair, Hunter, and Omega freed the clones, and they did it together.

They freed the clones through their love and trust in each other as a family, and I can't think of a more perfect, beautiful way for them to have done this. The clones are family. Loyalty means everything to the clones.


Time is the giver and the thief of all things.

You all know how meaningful this show is for me. Now that it's over, I wanted to honor this show and these characters with a song that I've related to them since the beginning of season three. I love all the lessons I've learned, all the comfort I've gotten, all the emotions I've felt, all the people I've met, all the stories I've written... I cannot be more grateful for this show's existence. I will be rewatching for years to come, and even if the show has officially ended, it will always be a part of me.


I have finally watched the finale and I can't believe it's really over, and despite how many emotions I'm feeling, I just want to say that I think that was a sublime way to end the show.

At a cost, the rest of Clone Force 99 got themselves and Omega out of Tantiss.

Hunter, Crosshair, and Omega took Hemlock out together as a team effort to save each other and, symbolically, the rest of the clones. With no more of Hemlock's project, the clones are now free.

Nala Se died but not in a way to magically redeem her in some noble sacrifice for Omega like I had thought she would. She did so destroying the research that was enslaving the clones from the beginning, even if she didn't do it with that intention. Nala Se wanted to destroy the research before letting the Empire have it (I personally didn't love the "if it isn't Kaminoan it isn't anyone's" thing, but it worked)

Hunter got his chance to settle down, grow old, and raise Omega.

Crosshair and Wrecker also got their chance to settle down and grow old in peace.

Omega got a chance at a life of peace and, when the time was right, she followed her path as a pilot in the rebellion and Hunter was at peace with it.

Echo continued to help clones around the galaxy.

We were given finality over Tech - it's okay for CX2 not to have been Tech. It's okay because that is life. Life ends and it's final, but the lives of the other people surrounding the deceased go on and they morph and they too go through success and loss and everything else that constitutes life. I like that Omega took Tech's goggles with her. He was the one who taught her how to fly and she will carry a piece of him too as she goes on to continue her fight.

I want to think Wrecker went back and got Lula back too.


Also, it is now probably a good time to jot down that while I have been saying "oh X would upset me if it happens" or "if Y happens I will write it differently in fanfic" I will NOT be constantly whining about how the finale goes if anything on screen is not how I personally would have preferred it. I won't be antagonizing the writers or the people who liked it. This show and its finale are things that are very near and dear to my heart and I won't ruin that experience for myself, nor will I ruin it for others. I will be analyzing the finale, commenting on it, possibly crying, fangirling, and if anything that happens there makes me feel any emotions, then I will express said emotions, but let us not confuse feeling and expressing your emotions with becoming a fandom dick.

It's okay to not like something and it's okay to have opinions and criticisms, but what's NOT okay is to go around bullying people who don't feel the way you do, using strong/foul expressions, ruining other people's experience, insulting, etc. Your feelings are valid, but how you react and treat others based on those feelings won't always be, particularly if you're willing to lash out at others and be a jerk in the name of what you feel. It's not okay to take your crap out on other people or to treat other people poorly because you feel bad.

The Bad Batch ending is a very emotional time for a lot of us. Please express all of your feelings and thoughts with respect, and please do your best to keep this fandom a safe and happy place where we can openly discuss, enjoy, and fangirl.

May the Force be with you all ✨

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