Hi! Thanks, hope you had a good Halloween too. :)
I kinda left Venus's powers undefined on purpose, but basically I wanted her to have almost entirely defensive and helpful "utility" abilities plus psychic type abilities like telepathy and astral projection. One outlier I can think of off the top of my head is a part in issue 130 where she shoots one of Barlow's goons with sort of a magic laser beam, but I justify it that she had just woken up from a coma and was still figuring things and those goons were kind of undead anyway.
But after she regains much of her identity in Alliance #4, I tried to keep her powers to things like conjuring energy shields to block/deflect/redirect/protect others and no direct offensive attacks. There was one point I thought about giving her healing powers but decided it was too risky like it can make things feel less perilous/dangerous if the characters can just run to the healer afterward and get fixed up after every fight.
Besides all that, the other big thing she did was transform Jasper Barlow into his original form which was meant to be an homage to what she did to Shredder in Next Mutation, using her magic to separate the "evil" persona out of him which I took as sort of a metaphor for removing someone's negative programming and hang-ups. I thought maybe it was too OP but I couldn't resist riffing on that old scene where Venus defeats Shredder but not with physical violence (you could argue she inflicts mental/psychological violence, though). I tried to make it seem like a big event, though, like she couldn't just whip out that particular magic spell whenever she felt like it.
I would have loved to explore her abilities more. Maybe someday!