most recent artwors of my "fursona" or better, me The one on the right I drew after I got one of my teeth pulled out (because it was damaged and hurt a lot) and I wanted to see how it would look like on this freaky dragon thingy. The left one is the more confident and mentally stable pure dragon form, just wanted to draw that again and it turned out pretty.
Two sketches of my fursona I drew recently
Yu-Gi-Oh card style artwork I recently made. YGO means quite a lot to me because the old artworks, especially the dragons, were a big motivation for me as a child to start drawing cool dragons and creatures. I drew a LOT of dragons in elementary school and later andI still like dragons and LOVE the card artworks. So I must say, if you like my art you can thank Yu-Gi-Oh for leading me in this artistic direction and giving me motivation, not entirely but to a huge amount. ^^ I really enjoyed rawing these and I want to dow more anytime later. 😁